July 2024 MPT Predictions
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Are you looking for July 2024 MPT predictions? Are you curious as to what subjects might appear on the July 2024 MPT? You can see our JD Advising list of recommended MPTS to review below.
**NOTE**: These are observations and recommendations to review. These are not formal “predictions” of what will be tested.
Will JD Advising make UBE predictions for July 2024?
Yes, we plan to release a list of Uniform Bar Exam predictions on July 1, 2024. Remember, these are just for fun! We are releasing these predictions closer to the bar exam date to help deter overreliance on predicted subjects.
To give you an early look, we’re hosting a sneak peek info session on June 28 at 12:00 PM ET which you can register for here. During this live webinar, we’ll discuss our UBE predictions, the methodology behind them, and highlight key subjects and topics to focus on. Please note that this session will not be distributed, so be sure to attend live!
Sign up below to get a PDF copy of this UBE study guide (the information in this post) sent directly to your inbox. The study guide now includes our July 2024 predictions!
For now, we highly recommend that you review all subjects and topics. Also, download this post in the form above, download our Free MEE Guide of highly tested topics, and sign up for our new free resource center!
If you are specifically looking for MPT assistance, we have new and very popular MPT one-sheets as well as an extremely informative MPT mastery class by one of our MPT experts! We also have a Free MPT Formats post that is definitely worth checking out.
Note: All the suggested essays noted below can be found for free using the links below. MPTs without links should be available in your commercial course, or they are available for purchase in our organized MPT Books or MEE Books!
Disclaimer: You should NOT rely solely on these July 2024 Uniform Bar Exam predictions when you study! You should review all subjects when preparing for the Uniform Bar Exam. All subjects are fair game for the exam.
July 2024 MPT Predictions
1. Objective Memorandum UPDATE: TESTED
The objective memorandum has appeared on 32 out of the 38 MPT exams since July 2006, or on 84% of the exams. The objective memorandum is the most highly tested MPT task. The objective memorandum was most recently tested in February 2024. However, it is incredibly common for objective memoranda to appear on consecutive administrations. Therefore, the objective memorandum is ripe for testing on the July 2024 exam.
If you are unfamiliar with how to format an objective memorandum, take a look at our post on how to format an objective memorandum on the MPT. It is a good idea to know how to format an objective memorandum because usually formatting instructions are not provided on the exam.
To get some practice with objective memorandum tasks, we suggest that you complete a few tasks under timed conditions to determine your strengths and weaknesses. We recommend taking a look at the following objective memorandum MPTs, most of which are available for free on the NCBE Study Aids website:
2. Persuasive Brief UPDATE: NOT TESTED
After the objective memorandum, the persuasive brief is the next most frequently tested MPT task, appearing on the MPT 50% of the time since July 2006 and on 19 out of 38 MPT exams. The persuasive brief was most recently tested in February 2024. Lately, the persuasive brief has been tested every other administration. However, in the past, the persuasive brief was tested on about four consecutive exams and then omitted on the following few exams. The persuasive brief may be ripe for testing on the July 2024 MPT.
If you are unfamiliar with how to format a persuasive brief, take a look at our post on how to format a persuasive brief on the MPT. It is good to know how to format a persuasive brief because formatting instructions are often not provided on the exam. Do not assume that the formatting instructions for all persuasive briefs (or any task!) are the same. Please read the formatting memo, if one is provided, very carefully. Formatting memos are always found immediately after the task memo in the MPT’s File.
To get some practice with persuasive briefs, we suggest you complete a few tasks under timed conditions to determine your strengths and weaknesses. We recommend taking a look at the following MPTs, all of which are available for free on the NCBE Study Aids website:
3. Wildcard Task UPDATE: NOT TESTED
After the persuasive brief, the wildcard task is the next most frequently tested MPT task, appearing on the MPT 35% of the time since July 2006 and on 13 out of 38 MPT exams. The wildcard task was most recently tested in October 2020.
If you are unfamiliar with how to format a wildcard task, take a look at our post on how to format a wildcard task on the MPT. Please read the formatting memo, if one is provided, very carefully if you encounter a wildcard task. Formatting memos are always found immediately after the task memo in the MPT’s File.
To get some practice with wildcard tasks, we suggest you complete a few tasks under timed conditions to determine your strengths and weaknesses. We recommend taking a look at the following MPTs:
4. Opinion Letter UPDATE: NOT TESTED
After the wildcard task, the opinion letter is the next most frequently tested MPT task, appearing on the MPT 19% of the time since July 2006 and on 7 out of 38 MPT exams. In recent administrations, it has been tested more frequently, appearing on 3 of the past 9 MPT exams. The opinion letter was most recently tested in July 2023.
If you are unfamiliar with how to format an opinion letter, take a look at our post on how to format an opinion letter on the MPT. Do not assume that the formatting instructions for all opinion letters (or any task!) are the same. Please read the formatting memo, if one is provided, very carefully. Formatting memos are always found immediately after the task memo in the MPT’s File.
To get some practice with opinion letters, we suggest you complete a few tasks under timed conditions to determine your strengths and weaknesses. We recommend taking a look at the following MPTs, all of which are available for free on the Maryland Courts’ website and the NCBE Study Aids website:
5. Demand Letter UPDATE: NOT TESTED
After the opinion letter, the demand letter is the next most frequently tested MPT task, appearing on the MPT 14% of the time since July 2006 and on 5 out of 37 MPT exams. The demand letter was last tested in February 2016.
If you are unfamiliar with how to format a demand letter, take a look at our post on how to format a demand letter on the MPT. Do not assume that the formatting instructions for all demand letters (or any task!) are the same. Please read the formatting memo, if one is provided, very carefully. Formatting memos are always found immediately after the task memo in the MPT’s File.
To get some practice with demand letters, we suggest you complete a few tasks under timed conditions to determine your strengths and weaknesses. We recommend taking a look at the following MPTs, all of which are available for free on the NCBE Study Aids website:
Note: You should take the time to review all of the commonly tested tasks on the MPT (objective memorandum, persuasive brief, demand letter, and opinion letter) in addition to a few wildcard tasks. It is also worthwhile to review our free MPT One-Sheet (pictured below), our recently revamped MPT Guide, and our MPT Mastery Class if you need extra guidance.
If you struggle with MPTs, we recommend you start practicing MPTs NOW. The more time you spend with MPTs, the better!
As a reminder:
- Register here for our live UBE predictions webinar on June 28 at 12:00 PM ET In this live webinar, we’ll discuss our UBE predictions, the methodology behind them, and highlight key subjects and topics to focus on. Please note that this session will not be distributed, so be sure to attend live!
- Sign up below to get a PDF copy of this UBE study guide (the information in this post) sent directly to your inbox.
Looking for a full set of predictions? You can find our full set of UBE predictions here!
We hope you find these recommendations for suggested essays to review helpful as you prepare for the July 2024 Uniform Bar Exam. We wish you much success!
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