With the bar exam fast approaching, our and our can help you use your remaining study time wisely!

Our LIVE MEE Mastery Class is coming up on February 8th! Join this exclusive event tailored to the February bar exam to get an in-depth look at the critical law, plus expert MEE strategies! !

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Raise your MBE Score with JD Advising

Sign up for our MBE course with expert instruction, top quality outlines, and the best practice questions available.

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JD Advising MBE Course

The new standard in bar exam preparation

Our Multistate Bar Exam Course is a fantastic option for those looking to significantly improve their MBE score. Our course is geared toward repeat bar exam takers, or those looking for extra help on the MBE portion of the bar exam. We cover highly tested MBE topics and winning MBE strategies. We have helped students raise their MBE scores significantly—with many seeing score increases of 30 or 40 points. Our MBE Course was designed by our JD Advising founder, who scored a 180 on the MBE.

What sets JD Advising apart?

The Best Outlines Available

Our MBE outlines are precisely tailored to the MBE. They contain the substance you need to know in a manageable format. We include charts, colors, diagrams, and mnemonics and we update our outlines after every administration. You will receive outlines for all seven MBE subjects.

Actual, Real Bar Exam Questions

We give you 1,486 actual MBE questions that were released by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE).

Instruction by Bar Exam Experts

We offer 28 hours of instruction by bar exam experts in our MBE Course. Our instructors are full-time bar exam tutors and instructors and they know the bar exam inside out. They have scored in the top percentile on the bar exam and help students boost their scores dramatically.

Personalized Preparation

Our MBE On Demand Course is tailored to work with your schedule so you can walk into the bar exam with confidence. You can choose to watch lectures when and where it is convenient for you and always have access to the best outlines, practice questions, and resources available. Included is a self-graded diagnostic that helps you evaluate areas of improvement.

A Time-Tested Approach

Our MBE instructors will cover the highly tested and most difficult areas of law on the MBE so that you can maximize your study time. In addition to covering substantive law, we also go over strategies for timing, answering MBE questions so that your score improves, and for eliminating incorrect answer choices.

The Best Chance of Passing the Bar

We work with top law firms and law schools because of our excellent track record, our fantastic reputation, and our high passage rate. We keep you accountable so that know you are on track to pass the bar exam. Our goal is for you to feel confident walking into the exam, and out of the exam!

Review the details of our MBE On Demand Course below:


Get the best prep course at the best price!

“Our MBE course is available on-demand! Our outlines and past course lectures will be available early. If you are interested in this early-start option, please indicate as much on your enrollment form. We look forward to helping you conquer the MBE!”

Ready to sign up for our five-star course?