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How to Succeed in Law School Guide: Introduction and Table of Contents

In this guide, we discuss how to succeed in law school. Law school is very different than undergrad. The teaching style is different, the homework is different, the grading is different, and the exams are different! So having a time-tested strategy can make a huge difference between excelling in law school or merely being average.

Unfortunately, nobody tells you how to succeed in law school once you get there. Professors do not tell you what to focus on. You are just thrown into your classes and given a lot of work from the beginning! So, we have taken it upon ourselves to create a comprehensive—and free—guide on how to succeed in law school.

This guide was written by a #1 law student and the strategies found within this guide have helped thousands of prelaw students and law students excel in law school.

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This guide is divided into four parts:


We introduce you to the guide and give you an overview of how to succeed in law school.

Part 1: 1L Basics—What is IL Year?

Here, we tell you what classes you will take, how law school is different from college, and why the first year of law school matters so much.

Part 2: How to Succeed on Law School Final Exams

We give you an overview of how to succeed on law school final exams, and detailed guidance on each step (outlining, learning your outlines, and exam-taking strategies). We also give you guidance on how to create a law school study schedule.

Part 3: Other Important Law School Skills

Here, we go through other important law school skills. We tell you how to read and brief cases, how to prepare for class, how to survive the Socratic method, and why networking is important in law school!

Part 4: Law Student Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Other Resources

Here, we answer some of your frequently asked questions and point you to additional helpful law school resources!

Go to the next topic, An overview of how to succeed in law school.

I loved that this [Law School Prep] course truly focused on the skills you will need in law school. My school offers a free course, but when I looked at the syllabus it focused exclusively on briefing cases and the substantive law for classes like Property, Torts, etc. Your course was much more thorough and cut to the core of what students need to actually be successful.

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This [Law School Prep] course made me feel so comfortable when I began law school! It provided the essential basics that make all the difference in excelling in law school.

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I would highly recommend this [Law School Prep] class to all law students. The materials are fabulous and can serve as a reference guide for all your law school classes. The instructors were engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed watching all the videos.

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This [Law School] preparatory class has put me in a much better place than I was before I was introduced to the class. Going into the class, I knew almost nothing about what law school would be like. My expectations came only from word of mouth from friends and family. However, Meagan and Ashley have eased my mind about starting law school now that I have a solid foundation to rely on going into Wayne State Law. This course provides a very comfortable environment to learn. I feel that I have gone from knowing very little about how to succeed as a student of law to gaining an advantage over others who may not have taken such a course in five sessions. These sessions cover all the bases. I learned the ins and outs of how to approach each class and how to use time efficiently to earn the best grades possible. I would recommend this course to anyone seeking an early advantage in law school and to anyone who wishes to learn more about how to be the best law student they can be.

- Law School Prep Course Attendee