The Best Uniform Bar Exam Study Materials
The Best Uniform Bar Exam Study Materials
The Uniform Bar Exam has three parts – the multistate bar exam (MBE), the multistate essay exam (MEE), and the multistate performance test (MPT). In this post, we tell you what each section tests and we will go over the best Uniform Bar Exam study materials section by section.
The Best Uniform Bar Exam Study Materials
Best study materials for the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE)
The first set of uniform bar exam study materials that we will discuss are MBE study materials. The MBE is composed of six hours of multiple choice and has 200 questions. It tests seven subjects. (To read more about the MBE, see this post.)
MBE Study Materials that cost $$:
A few excellent supplemental MBE resources that we offer are:
- We have an excellent MBE guide here. It comes with a 7-point MBE increase guarantee or your money back! You can purchase it online or in a hard copy. It covers several nuances of the law that you are bound to see on the MBE.
- We have excellent MBE one-sheets here! We give you an overview of each MBE subject in one convenient page, front and back. They serve as a great tool for active review.
- Real MBE questions. Many commercial courses do not give their students real MBE questions. Instead, they invent their own. The best source of questions are real MBE questions. We sell our own real MBE questions here, but you can read about other sources in the link.
We also offer a Uniform Bar Exam full service course which is held in a small group setting and is extremely highly regarded, an MBE seminar, (a half-day online seminar), an MBE diagnostic here (which tells you which skill struggle with), MBE tutoring services, and if you want bonus free resource, check out our MBE strategies series here! It is free and we remove you from the email list once the bar exam is over!
Free MBE Study Materials:
We have some excellent free MBE study materials.
- Check out our top three free MBE resources here (including weekly MBE tips sent to your inbox!)
- You can check out our MBE blog posts here.
- Read about how to improve your MBE score 20-30 points here.
Best study materials for the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE):
The next set of Uniform Bar Exam study materials that we will discuss are MEE materials. The MEE is a three-hour essay exam composed of six essay questions. To read more about what the MEE is, see this post.
MEE Study Materials that cost $$:
- Our MEE one-sheets are super highly regarded. They contain the highly tested law for the MEE in one page, front and back. They have received overwhelmingly positive feedback and have helped hundreds of students pass.
- Our MEE books are a great way to get tons of past essay questions and model answers all in one place. You can order hard copies or electronic copies.
We also offer a MEE essay course (which covers the subjects in depth and comes with fantastic outlines, one-sheets, and essay grading), a Multistate Essay Exam seminar (which goes over predictions – last time we predicted over 70% of the topics tested!), and bar exam essay feedback if you are looking for tailored feedback to help you improve!
Free MEE Study Materials:
In this post, we discuss five stellar free MEE resources. This includes a frequency chart, a video, an overview of highly tested topics, and free resources for MEE questions.
Best study materials for the Multistate Performance Test (MPT):
The MPT is a lawyerly task that you will be expected to complete in about 90 minutes. You will have three hours to complete two MPTs. To read more about the MPT, see this post.
MPT Study Materials that cost $$:
- One resource that we highly recommend is that you purchase MPT books. So many students do not practice because they do not have MPT questions, answers, and sample student answers all in one place. Our MPT books have everything in one place so you do not have to hunt around for them!
Note that we also offer a MPT Seminar which covers how to format each MPT task, and we offer bar exam essay feedback which has helped a lot of students improve their MPT score.
Free MPT Study Materials:
In this post, we go over the best free MPT study materials – including how to make attack outlines for the MPT, our MPT frequency chart, an MPT study schedule and more!
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Free Resources:
- 🌟Bar Exam Free Resource Center: Access our most popular free guides, webinars, and resources to set you on the path to success.
- Free Bar Exam Guides: Expert advice on the MBE, the MEE, passing strategies, and overcoming failure.
- Free Webinars: Get insight from top bar exam experts to ace your preparation.
Paid Resources:
- 🏆One-Sheets: Our most popular product! Master the Bar Exam with these five-star rated essentials.
- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
- Exclusive Mastery Classes: Dive deep into highly tested areas of the MBE, MEE, MPT, and CA bar exams in these live, one-time events.
- Specialized Private Tutoring: With years of experience under our belt, our experts provide personalized guidance to ensure you excel.
- Bar Exam Courses: On Demand and Premium options tailored to your needs.
- Bar Exam Crash Course + Mini Outlines: A great review of the topics you need to know!
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