Top 3 (Free!) MBE Resources
In this post, we go over our top three free multistate bar exam (MBE) resources for those of you looking for some free MBE help!
Top 3 (Free!) MBE Resources
1. How to Pass the MBE YouTube video
If you struggle with the MBE, we are here to help! This video can guide you through developing a strategy to taking MBE questions.
The Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) is worth half your score in most states, including UBE states. Many students do not have the right outlook or approach toward it. In this video, we tell you how to pass the Multistate Bar Exam and how to see your score improve through practicing. We recommend you download the PDF and watch the video.
To get the PDF on how to pass the MBE sent right to your inbox, just fill out this form.
2. MBE Strategies series subscription
In this email series, we go through MBE questions one-by-one. We also focus on strategies to use for each type of MBE question. You can see a sample here and sign up to receive our MBE strategies tips right to your inbox.
We email about twice a week during bar exam season. Once the bar exam is over, we stop emailing unless you opt in to receiving further emails. We base questions off of real MBE questions, not ones developed by bar prep companies. That way, you are approximating what you’ll see on bar exam day as closely as possible.
You can sign up here:
MBE Tip of the Day
3. The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) Released Questions
The absolute best source of MBE questions are real MBE questions. There are many resources for this, but a nice free resource is the NCBE website. If you go to this page, there are 28 MBE sample test questions from all 7 subjects as well as 10 sample Civil Procedure questions with model answers. You will notice these questions are very well written and they truly mimic what is found on the actual bar exam. It is best to pay for the real questions, but these 38 questions are free and they are a great start and this page is one of the MBE resources that we point a lot of students to.
Looking for our six best MBE resources under $500? Check out this post!
Looking for additional MBE help? If you are looking for MBE help, read our 10 expert MBE tips here. Check out our step-by-step guide to improving your MBE score, please review this post for an overview of tips. This is a great free MBE resource. If you would like to receive our MBE tip of the day emailed to you, please fill out the form below.
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MBE Tip of the Day
Seeking MBE Assistance?
Seeking MBE Assistance?
- 📘 MBE Guide: Equip yourself with our FREE expert-crafted bar exam and MBE guides.
- Free Bar Exam Resource Center: Discover top resources, articles, and free webinars led by renowned bar exam professionals.
Top Resources as Vouched by our Students:
- MBE One-Sheets: One of our most highly acclaimed bar exam supplements!
- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
- MBE Private Tutoring: Opt for personalized, effective strategies.
- On Demand Bar Exam Course: Comprehensive bar exam preparation.
- Bar Exam Crash Course and Mini Outlines: Acclaimed and effective for a quick refresher.
- MBE Mastery Class, Real MBE Questions, and MBE Guide: Elevate your MBE preparation with these high-quality MBE supplements!
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