Five Excellent Free Multistate Essay Exam Resources
Five Excellent Free Multistate Essay Exam Resources
Tired of scrounging around for free Multistate Essay exam resources? Worried you won’t nail down your approach before the bar exam? We’re here to help! In this post, we provide our top five excellent FREE Multistate Essay Exam resources.
Five Excellent Free Multistate Essay Exam Resources
1. Highly Tested Issues Chart
The first of our free Multistate Essay exam resource is our Multistate Essay Exam Subject Frequency Chart. Our MEE frequency chart shows you which subjects and issues appear frequently on the MEE, and which ones do not. While this is by no means a substitute for studying for all the MEE subjects and topics, it does allow you to focus more time and energy on studying those which the NCBE tests most often. The chart breaks down when each subject was tested. It also has a running total of how many times a subject has appeared since July 2011. Use this chart to pinpoint what you need to most focus on in preparing for the MEE!
2. Highly Tested MEE Topics
The second of our free Multistate Essay Exam Resources is our highly tested MEE subject video. In this video, JD Advising founder Ashley Heidemann details her thoughts on the MEE’s highly tested subjects, all in less than 20 minutes. We recommend anyone taking the MEE watch this video and read the accompanying PDF to get Ashley’s insights on how to best approach the MEE.
3. How To Structure A Multistate Essay Exam Answer
The third of our free Multistate Essay Exam resources is our “How To Structure A Multistate Essay Exam Answer” blog post. This blog post details how to structure your MEE answers to maximize the amount of points graders award you. You want to make it easy for graders to give you points, even if you are not completely sure which side of an issue to fall on. This post provides insight into how to structure your answer so you address the call of the question, and each issue. By following this blog post, many students see increases in their essay scores, simply by organizing their answers differently.
4. Free Resources for Past MEE Questions
The fourth of our free Multistate Essay Exam resources is this blog post on where to find free previously tested MEE questions. Many students struggle with the MEE because they cannot find a consistent source of free material to use during their prep. Using actual, previously tested MEE questions during prep gives you a huge advantage on bar exam day. So, how can you track down free MEE questions? Don’t worry, we have you covered! Our post provides direct links to these sources. It also points you to sources of questions that, while not free, are relatively inexpensive.
5. How To Self Grade An MEE
Finally, our last recommendation for free Multistate Essay Exam resources is our blog post on how to self-grade an MEE. While you may receive graded feedback during a bar prep course, there is a ton of value to learning to grade your own MEEs. Analyzing your answers and critiquing your approach internalizes your feedback. This, in turn, helps you change your approach moving forward, whether that be working on issue spotting or really nailing down a trickier aspect of law. Our blog post walks you through how to self-grade an MEE so you get the most out of your practice.
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