Topic 12: What Will Happen on MPRE Test Day?
What is the format of the MPRE?
On MPRE test day, you will have two hours to answer 60 multiple-choice questions. You should plan on spending two minutes per question.
Each multiple-choice question has four answers. Points are given for correct answers. Points are not subtracted for incorrect answers so make sure to mark an answer choice for every question. (In other words, you will not lose anything by making an educated guess!) There are no breaks during the MPRE exam.
The NCBE gives the following overview of what it is like to take the test:
The Pearson VUE Test Administrator (TA) will provide you with an erasable note board and marker during the test session. You may not remove these items from the testing room at any time during the exam, and you must return all items to the TA after the exam. You may not write on the erasable note board until after the exam has started. If you need a new note board or marker during the exam, raise your hand and the TA will assist you.
The TA will log you in to your assigned workstation. You will verify that you are taking the MPRE. You will have up to five (5) minutes to review the MPRE Instructions and certification screen. The MPRE will begin automatically after five (5) minutes, or will begin when you click Next. Unless otherwise instructed, you must remain in your assigned seat until escorted out of the testing room by a TA. You may not communicate with other candidates, including during any unscheduled breaks.
There are no scheduled breaks during the two-hour MPRE. If you need to take an unscheduled break—for example, to stand and stretch or to use the restroom—you must raise your hand and wait for the TA’s instructions. Your test time will not stop. You must take your ID with you when you leave the testing room. You may not leave the testing center building or access your stored personal items. If you need to use the restroom, you must use the restroom that is closest to the testing room. The TA will check your ID when you leave and re-enter the testing room. Before re-entering, you will be asked to pat yourself down again (arms, legs, waistline). The TA will escort you to your assigned seat and log you in to your assigned workstation so that you can continue with the test. Note that long and frequent unscheduled breaks will be subject to further investigation and reported to NCBE.
If you take an unscheduled break, you may not leave the building or access your stored personal items. Your test time will not stop.
During the test, if you experience any problems or distractions or if you have other questions or concerns, you must raise your hand, and the TA will assist you. The TA cannot answer questions related to test content. If you have concerns about a test question, make a note of the question number on your erasable note board and report it to the TA after you have completed the test. You agree to follow the TA instructions at all times. To ensure a high level of security, the testing center and testing room will be monitored at all times. Both audio and video of you may be recorded during testing.
After you have completed the test you must raise your hand, and the TA will come to your workstation and verify that your test session has ended properly. You must present your ID again to the TA and return your erasable note board and marker. You must not leave any materials at your testing workstation after you have completed the MPRE. You will be provided with a testing completion notice indicating that you have completed the MPRE.
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