Did you fail the bar exam? We have lots of free resources to help you regroup for your next attempt! Check out our guide on , as well as our guide on ! And be sure to register for our !

Taking the MPRE in November? Enroll in our to access our outline, one-sheet, lecture videos, 300+ practice questions, and more! If you’re looking for more help, consider purchasing or !

Ensure you pass the bar exam on your next attempt with our or our exclusive (pass the bar or your money back!).

Bar Exam Tutoring Information Session

Find out how to attend an information session for our premier bar exam tutoring services!

bar exam consultation services, law school tutoring

Bar Exam Tutoring Information Session

Are you interested in learning more about bar exam tutoring with JD Advising? Join our upcoming live informational session on Friday, June 7, 2024, at 4:00 PM ET to learn how to take your bar exam prep to the next level!

This is a small group discussion led by our account executives. A recording will not be distributed so please attend live if you are interested!

In this session, we will cover:

  • the tutoring process,
  • frequently asked questions about bar exam tutoring,
  • and give you a chance to ask whatever questions you have.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Bar Exam Tutoring Information Session

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