Are Barbri MBE Questions like the Real Bar Exam Questions?
Are Barbri MBE Questions like the Real Bar Exam Questions?
We get this question a lot from our bar exam takers students! The answer is, as you may have guessed, quite subjective. Many people think that the Barbri MBE questions are longer and harder than the real MBE questions. And still others say that the Barbri MBE questions are easier than the real MBE questions. What does this mean for you? Well, a few things.
First, having a variety of questions is never a bad thing. So, doing some Barbri or Kaplan questions mixed in with released MBE questions is a good way to go for practice. Students pass just using Barbri questions or just using Kaplan questions every single bar exams. However, a variety of questions is good because you can get exposed to a variety of MBE question styles.
But, the best resource and representation of MBE questions are, of course, the real questions. And the price to answer real MBE questions is not that high!
You can find actual released MBE questions from the following sources:
1. Strategies & Tactics for the MBE (Multistate Bar Exam) by Emanuel. This is our favorite. We like this book because the explanations are very good. It is divided into about 60 questions per subject then has a full test at the end. It has all seven subjects tested though it does not have released civil procedure questions. (If you are looking for released civil procedure MBE questions, check out ours here). Remember to get the Sixth edition. Earlier editions use different question formats and they are useless!
Update: January 28, 2018: The Sixth Edition contains Civil Procedure questions. Unfortunately, they are not released Civil Procedure questions as the NCBE has very few released Civil Procedure questions. (Though some released Civil Procedure questions are available on our website here.)
2. Adaptibar: Adaptibar advertises using actual released MBE questions. Adaptibar is ideal for students who like to answer questions on their phones or electronically. Just like the Strategies and Tactics book, AdaptiBar does not have released Civil Procedure questions (they only have civil procedure questions that they invented).
3. The National Conference of Bar Examiners (the organization that writes the MBE) has four 100-question exams online (called MBE “Online Practice Exams” or MBE OPE’). They do not contain Civil Procedure questions. Some students are able to print the 100-question exams but it best to plan to do them online. It is also hard to answer questions one-by-one because you have to keep opening new windows to see the answer choices. The bonus is that you are able to see where you rank in each subject area in accordance with others who have taken the exam. So if you see your are constantly scoring low in, say, Evidence, you can make it a priority to work on that.
Remember to start with just one of these sources. If you buy questions from all three sources, you will see repeat-questions!
4. JD Advising Online Store
We also offer real MBE questions! The questions in the paid version are written by the NCBE, making them much better than questions invented by a commercial course. They are more representative of what you will see on the actual bar exam. The best news? You can try out our online platform for free! We have 100 simulated questions available for you to try free and thus make sure our platform is the right fit for you! (These simulated questions are not invented by the NCBE, but they will give you a good idea of how the JD Advising platform works! The paid version includes the NCBE-released questions!)
Looking to buy an individual NCBE exam? You can purchase those in PDF FORMAT HERE!
Remember to start with just one of these sources. If you buy questions from all available sources, you will see repeat questions since they are all getting their questions from the same sources!
In this post we also discuss where to find released questions!
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- MBE Mastery Class, Real MBE Questions, and MBE Guide: Elevate your MBE preparation with these high-quality MBE supplements!
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