5 Tips To Pass The Uniform Bar Exam
5 Tips to Pass the Uniform Bar Exam
If you are taking the Uniform Bar Exam for the first time, you want to do everything you can to pass it (and never have to think about the bar exam again!). In this post, we give you five tips to pass the Uniform Bar Exam the first time you take it.
5 Tips to Pass the Uniform Bar Exam
1. Get in the right mindset.
Most people start bar prep thinking, “I am going to complete 100% of my commercial course.” This is not a bad goal, but remember your ultimate goal is to pass the bar exam. This means you want to study for the test and do exactly what you need to do to pass the test!
Many commercial courses give you a lot of material and lengthy lectures. Further, many do not emphasize doing certain things (like memorizing) right away (which we will discuss momentarily!).
The point is, you have to get in the right mindset from the beginning and tell yourself – your goal is to pass the bar exam, not complete every assignment given by a commercial course!
2. Memorize your outlines from the beginning.
A lot of commercial courses do not emphasize memorization or they advise that you don’t begin memorizing your outlines until the last few weeks before the bar exam (which is a terrible idea!)
It is important to start memorizing your outlines right away if you want to be adequately prepared for the exam. Not only will you feel more comfortable with the material, but you will also see yourself quickly progress in terms of your essay and multiple-choice score.
If you are looking for tips on how to memorize your bar exam outlines, check out this post.
We give you some great tips to use from the beginning.
Another bonus of memorizing your outlines sooner rather than later is that you can use your last few weeks before the bar exam to review and practice problems (rather than scramble to memorize everything!) Our students tell us that this makes a huge difference in how they approach studying and ultimately is key to helping them pass the Uniform Bar Exam.
3. Study smart!
While it would be nice if you could learn everything about all of the 14 subjects that could potentially be tested on the Uniform Bar Exam, unfortunately, you cannot!
The good news is, however, that you do not need to know everything to pass the Uniform Bar Exam! Many subjects tend to be tested in the same way over and over again. This means that some topics are more important to know than others. This is true for both the multistate essay exam (MEE) and multistate bar exam (MBE).
If you are studying with the goal of passing the test, you should definitely keep this in mind. It is well worth your time to focus on the highly tested topics rather than treating all of the topics equally.
Here we give you a list of the highly tested MEE topics. (We also recommend you check out our highly regarded MEE one-sheets if you want to see the highly tested MEE topics in one page!)
We also have a list of the highly tested MBE topics here.
Focusing on the highly tested topics will help you see quick improvement in your score!
4. Do not ignore the multistate performance test (MPT).
It is so common to ignore or procrastinate studying for the MPT portion of the Uniform Bar Exam. We highly recommend that you do not fall into this trap!
One of our prior students failed the first exam she took (while she was using a commercial course) because her commercial course did not emphasize the MPT and she didn’t even complete one practice MPT prior to the exam. (This is actually quite common!) She failed the New York bar exam (a Uniform Bar Exam) by two points. It was largely due to her low MPT score. Part of what made it even worse is that she was an excellent writer and it would have been very easy for her to knock the MPT portion out of the park with some dedicated practice. Fortunately, she learned her lesson for the second bar exam that she took! But you do not have to fail a bar exam to learn this lesson—you can learn it now!
The MPT is worth 20% of your overall Uniform Bar Exam score. That is equivalent to 70 MBE questions. It is very easy to significantly improve your MPT score through practice and you will have a huge advantage over other bar exam takers if you take the MPT seriously!
So start incorporating MPT practice into your regular study routine. This can make a huge difference in whether you pass or fail the Uniform bar exam.
5. Make sure you are using real bar exam questions and that you have a lot at your disposal.
Unfortunately, many commercial courses do not use real MBE questions. If your goal is to pass the Uniform Bar Exam the first time you take it, you should definitely invest in real MBE questions! There is no better source of questions than the actual official MBE questions released by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE), which is the organization that writes the exam.
If your course does not provide real MBE questions, you can purchase some real MBE questions from us here or learn more about where to find real MBE questions here. Better yet, if you sign up for our Uniform Bar Exam full service course, you will get real questions as part of the course!
You should also make sure you have enough past MEE questions and answers and MPT questions and answers at your disposal. We sell MEE books and MPT books (but you may not need to purchase them from us if your course gives you a sufficient amount of questions.)
If you follow these five steps, you should be well on your way to passing the Uniform Bar Exam the first time you take it. Good luck studying!
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- 🌟Bar Exam Free Resource Center: Access our most popular free guides, webinars, and resources to set you on the path to success.
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Paid Resources:
- 🏆One-Sheets: Our most popular product! Master the Bar Exam with these five-star rated essentials.
- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
- Exclusive Mastery Classes: Dive deep into highly tested areas of the MBE, MEE, MPT, and CA bar exams in these live, one-time events.
- Specialized Private Tutoring: With years of experience under our belt, our experts provide personalized guidance to ensure you excel.
- Bar Exam Courses: On Demand and Premium options tailored to your needs.
- Bar Exam Crash Course + Mini Outlines: A great review of the topics you need to know!
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