2-Month Bar Exam Study Schedule
A 2-Month Bar Exam Study Schedule
Looking for a 2-month bar exam study schedule that lets you prepare effectively on your own? Many students ask us how to create a great bar exam study schedule. Below we have a 2-month bar exam study schedule for you to follow. It tells you what to review, how many MBE questions to complete, and which questions to answer, We link to as many free resources as possible. (However, some resources are worth the investment, and we list them below as well.)
Note: We actually highly recommend students invest in a bar exam preparatory course and have our own great, affordable, highly rated option here. But if you cannot or choose not to, here is the next best thing!
Our 2-month bar exam study schedule will have you do all of the following:
- Review all of the Uniform Bar Exam subjects
- Complete 1,360 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) questions
- Complete 72 Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) essays
- Complete 19 Multistate Performance Test (MPT) problems
- Study for 56 days with eight days off (so 48 days of actual studying!)
Before you get started…
Before you get started, please review these resources—particularly the free MEE and MPT links as you will rely on them heavily if you follow the two-month bar exam self-study schedule below:
FREE resources to consult throughout
We tell you to complete MEEs and MPTs throughout the study schedule. Please find links to all of them for FREE here:
- MEE links: Find recent MEEs here on the NCBE’s website
- MPT links: Find recent MPTs here on the NCBE’s website
Supplements we highly recommend you invest in
Investing in these supplements will help you pass the bar exam. They are WELL worth the investment.
- Released MBE questions—through our MBE QBank, or Strategies & Tactics for the MBE (Multistate Bar Exam) by Emanuel, the NCBE, or AdaptiBar.
- We also recommend our MPT Guide. Many students struggle with the MPT. This guide breaks down the MPT in a step-by-step format.
We also have a list of recommended supplements below.
Notes before beginning
- This bar exam self-study schedule packs a lot into each day. If you can spread out your study schedule beyond these two months, please do!
- MEEs can be written or bullet pointed. You should self-grade all of the MEEs you write. If you struggle with timing, you should write out more full MEEs and do so in a timed setting.
A 2-Month Bar Exam Study Schedule
The two-month (eight-week) self-study bar exam schedule is below! Please modify it as it suits your needs. This is just a general schedule for you to follow.
Day 1: Real Property
- Review Real Property outline
- July 2011 Real Property MEE
- 30 Real Property MBE questions
- Review our free guide on how to pass the MBE
Day 2: Real Property
- Review Real Property outline
- Feb 2013 Real Property MEE
- 30 Real Property MBE questions
- Review our free guide on the best way to study for the MEE
Day 3: Real Property
- Review Real Property outline
- Feb 2012 Real Property MEE
- July 2013 Real Property MEE
- 30 Real Property MBE questions
- Review our free guide on highly tested MEE topics(and save it as a reference)
Day 4: Torts
- Review Real Property outline
- Review Torts outline
- 30 Torts MBE questions
Day 5: Torts
- Review Torts outline
- Feb 2011 Torts MEE
- Feb 2012 Torts MEE
- 30 Torts MBE questions
Day 6: review and practice
- Review Torts and Real Property in depth
- July 2012 Torts MEE
- 30 Torts MBE questions
- Review entire MPT Guide
Day 7: OFF
Day 8: Evidence
- Briefly review Torts and Real Property
- Review Evidence outline
- July 2014 Evidence MEE
- 30 Evidence MBE questions
Day 9: Evidence
- Review Evidence outline
- Feb 2011 Evidence MEE
- July 2013 Evidence MEE
- 30 Evidence MBE questions
Day 10: Evidence
- Review Evidence outline
- Feb 2012 Evidence MEE
- 30 Evidence MBE questions
Day 11: MPT
- Review Evidence
- MPT: read about Objective Memo in the MPT Guide and complete baby MPT
- MPT: look at July 2011 Objective Memo to see format (In re Field Hogs, Inc.) and jot out answer untimed. (Note: all other MPTs from here on out should be timed!)
- MPT: 90 minutes, Feb 2014 (In re Peterson Engineering Consultants)
Day 12: review and practice
- Review Torts, Real Property, and Evidence
- 30 Evidence, Torts, Real Property MBE questions (10 each, mixed)
- MPT: 90 minutes, July 2014 (In re Kay Struckman)
Day 13: Wills (Decedents’ Estates) and Trusts
- Review Wills outline
- Review Trusts outline
- MEE 3 questions, 90 minutes
- July 2013 Wills MEE
- Feb 2013 Trusts MEE
- Feb 2011 Trusts MEE
Day 14: OFF
Day 15: Wills (Decedents’ Estates) and Trusts
- Briefly review past outlines from prior weeks (e.g., Torts, Real Property)
- Review Wills outline
- Review Trusts outline
- Review difficult areas of Evidence outline
- July 2012 Trusts MEE
- Feb 2013 Evidence MEE
- 30 Evidence, Torts, and Real Property MBE questions (10 each, mixed)
Day 16: MPT—Persuasive Memo
- Briefly review areas above you are having trouble with
- Review Wills and Trusts outlines
- MEE 3 questions, 90 minutes
- July 2011 Trusts MEE
- Feb 2012 Wills MEE
- Feb 2011 Wills MEE
- MPT: read about Persuasive Briefs in MPT Guide and complete baby MPT
- MPT: 90 minutes Feb 2014 (In re Rowan)
- MPT: 90 minutes July 2012 (Ashton v. Indigo Construction Co.)
Day 17: Constitutional Law
- Review Constitutional Law outline
- July 2011 Constitutional Law MEE
- July 2012 Constitutional Law MEE
- 30 Constitutional Law MBE questions
- MPT: 90 minutes, July 2013 (Monroe v. Franklin Flags Amusement Park
Day 18: Constitutional Law, Conflict of Laws
- Review Constitutional Law outline
- Review Conflict of Laws outline
- Feb 2013 Constitutional Law MEE
- Feb 2014 Constitutional Law MEE
- 30 Constitutional Law MBE questions
- MPT: 90 minutes, Feb 2013 (In re Guardianship of Will Fox)
Day 19: MPTs—Demand Letter
- Review Constitutional Law outline
- Review Conflict of Laws outline
- July 2012 Wills/Conflict of Laws
- 30 Constitutional Law MBE questions
Day 20: MPTs—Demand Letter
- Review Constitutional Law outline and Conflict of Laws outline
- MPT: Read about Demand Letters in MPT Guide and complete Baby MPT
- MPT: 90 minutes, July 2014 (In re Linda Duram)
Day 21: OFF
Day 22: Contracts and Sales
- Briefly review past outlines from prior weeks
- Briefly review Constitutional Law outline
- Review Contracts and Sales outline
- Feb 2011 Contracts MEE
- Feb 2012 Contracts MEE
- 30 Contracts MBE questions
Day 23: Contracts and Sales and MPTs—Opinion Letter
- Continue to briefly review past outlines from prior weeks
- Review Contracts and Sales outline
- July 2014 Contracts MEE
- 30 Contracts MBE questions
- MPT: read about Opinion Letters in MPT Guide and complete Baby MPT
- MPT: 90 minutes, Feb 2013 (In re Wendy Martel)
Day 24: Contracts and Sales
- Review Contracts and Sales outline
- MEE 3 questions, 90 minutes
- Feb 2013 Contracts MEE
- July 2013 Contracts MEE
- Feb 2014 Trusts MEE
- 30 Contracts MBE questions
- MPT: 90 minutes, Feb 2012 (In re WPE Property Development)
Day 25: catch up day
Day 26: review and timed practice
- Review Constitutional Law and Contracts & Sales
- Briefly review Torts, Real Property, Evidence
- MPT: 90 minutes
- 30 Contracts and Constitutional Law MBE questions (15 each, mixed)
Day 27: Criminal Law and Procedure
- Review Criminal Law and Procedure outline
- 30 Criminal Law and Procedure MBE questions
- July 2011 Criminal Law and Procedure MEE
Day 28: OFF
Day 29: Criminal Law and Procedure
- Briefly review past outlines from prior weeks
- Review Criminal Law and Procedure outline
- July 2012 Criminal Law and Procedure MEE
- MBE: 100-question MBE timed (optional, without Civil Procedure)
Day 30: Criminal Law and Procedure
- Continue to briefly review past outlines from prior weeks
- Review Criminal Law and Procedure outline
- Feb 2014 Criminal Law and Procedure MEE
- July 2014 Criminal Law and Procedure MEE
- 30 Criminal Law and Procedure MBE questions
Day 31: Civil Procedure
- Review Civil Procedure outline
- Feb 2012 Civil Procedure/Conflict of Laws MEE
- July 2014 Civil Procedure MEE
- 30 Civil Procedure MBE questions
Day 32: Civil Procedure
- Review Civil Procedure outline
- July 2013 Civil Procedure MEE
- Feb 2011 Civil Procedure MEE
- 50 Civil Procedure MBE questions timed
Day 33: Civil Procedure
- Review Civil Procedure outline
- MEE 3 questions, 90 minutes
- Feb 2013 Civil Procedure MEE
- July 2012 Civil Procedure MEE
- July 2011 Civil Procedure MEE
Day 34:
- Review Civil Procedure outline—difficult areas
- Feb 2014 Civil Procedure MEE
- 30 Civil Procedure and Criminal Law/Procedure MBE questions mixed (15 each)
Day 35: OFF
Day 36: review and timed practice
- Review all MBE subjects and MEE subjects to date
- MBE: 100-question MBE timed
Day 37: Secured Transactions
- Review Secured Transactions outline
- MEE 3 questions, 90 minutes
- Feb 2011 Secured Transactions MEE
- July 2011 Secured Transactions MEE
- July 2012 Secured Transactions MEE
- 30 Civil Procedure and Criminal Law/Procedure MBE questions mixed (15 each)
Day 38: Secured Transactions, MPTs—Wildcard Tasks
- Briefly review Secured Transactions outline
- Feb 2013 Secured Transactions MEE
- Feb 2014 Secured Transactions MEE
- More MBE questions as necessary
- MPT: read about Wildcard Tasks in MPT Guide
- MPT: 90 minutes, July 2013 (Palindrome Recording Contract)
Day 39: Family Law, MPTs—Wildcard Tasks
- Briefly review Secured Transactions outline
- Review Family Law outline
- July 2011 Family Law/Conflict of Laws MEE
- July 2012 Family Law MEE
- July 2013 Family Law MEE
- MPT: 90 minutes, July 2012 (State of Franklin v. Soper)
Day 40: Corporations and LLCs, Agency and Partnership
- Review Corporations and LLCs outline
- Review Agency and Partnership outline
- Feb 2012 Corporations MEE (bullet point)
- Feb 2012 Partnership MEE (bullet point)
- Feb 2014 Agency and Partnership MEE (bullet point)
- More MBE questions as necessary
- MPT: 90 minutes, Feb 2012 (Franklin Resale Royalties Legislation)
Day 41: Corporations and LLCs, Agency and Partnership
- Review difficult areas of Corporations and LLCs
- Review difficult areas of Agency and Partnership outline
- July 2013 Torts/Agency MEE (bullet point)
- Feb 2011 Corporations MEE (bullet point)
- July 2011 Partnership MEE (bullet point)
- Feb 2013 Agency MEE (bullet point)
- MBE: 100 question MBE timed (optional)
Day 42: OFF
Day 43: review and timed practice
- Review all MBE subjects and MEE subjects to date (part 1)
- MEE 3 questions, 90 minutes, Feb 2010 exam (first half)
- If you need more Corporations practice, briefly bullet point
- July 2012 Corporations MEE
- July 2013 Corporations MEE
- July 2014 Corporations MEE
- MPT: 3 hours, Feb 2010 MPT if additional practice is needed
Day 44: review and timed practice
- Continue to review all MBE subjects and MEE subjects (part 2)
- Set up a brief schedule for reviewing in the next 10 days
- MBE: 100-question MBE timed
- MPT: 90 minutes, Feb 2011 MPT #1 (In re Magnolia County)
Day 45: review and timed practice
- MPT: 90 minutes, Feb 2011 MPT #2 (Franklin Resale Royalties Legislation)
- MEE 3 questions, 90 minutes, Feb 2010 exam (second half)
Day 46: review and timed practice
- Review
- MBE: 100-question MBE timed
Day 47: review and timed practice
- Review
- MBE: 100-question MBE timed
Day 48: review and timed practice
- Review
- MPT: 3 hours, July 2010 MPT (both MPTs administered)
Day 49: OFF
Day 50: review and timed practice
- Review
- MEE 6 questions, July 2010 exam
Day 51: review and practice as necessary
Day 52: review and practice as necessary
Day 53: review and practice as necessary
- Pack for the bar exam. Check out our packing list here.
Day 54: review and practice as necessary
- Finish packing for the bar exam
Day 55: review and practice as necessary
Day 56: OFF
Take the bar exam!
Looking to Pass the Bar Exam?
Free Resources:
- 🌟Bar Exam Free Resource Center: Access our most popular free guides, webinars, and resources to set you on the path to success.
- Free Bar Exam Guides: Expert advice on the MBE, the MEE, passing strategies, and overcoming failure.
- Free Webinars: Get insight from top bar exam experts to ace your preparation.
Paid Resources:
- 🏆One-Sheets: Our most popular product! Master the Bar Exam with these five-star rated essentials.
- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
- Exclusive Mastery Classes: Dive deep into highly tested areas of the MBE, MEE, MPT, and CA bar exams in these live, one-time events.
- Specialized Private Tutoring: With years of experience under our belt, our experts provide personalized guidance to ensure you excel.
- Bar Exam Courses: On Demand and Premium options tailored to your needs.
- Bar Exam Crash Course + Mini Outlines: A great review of the topics you need to know!
🔥 NEW! Check out our Repeat Taker Bar Exam Course and our new premier Guarantee Pass Program!
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