Looking for Bar Exam Tutoring by JD Advising?
If you are looking for bar exam tutoring services, consider JD Advising!
We specialize in helping students pass the bar exam! We help first-time takers and repeat takers.
Our tutors are experienced—many have been tutoring and teaching the bar exam for several years! Several of our bar exam tutors have taken more than one bar exam and scored above the 95th percentile.
We not only offer private tutoring services but as part of the price, we also offer excellent bar exam outlines and essay-grading (depending on your state) with each session. Our outlines are meticulously updated every single administration.
Check out a recent testimonial below and see several more here:
I cannot thank Meagan and all of the staff at JD Advising enough! During my first attempt at studying and taking the bar exam, I used a popular commercial course and felt completely overwhelmed and unproductive the entire time. Even though I had taken the entire summer off to study, I felt that I couldn’t pack all of the information in. Everyone told me this was normal, and I was brushed aside when I attempted to contact the commercial course’s customer service and tutoring departments.
After discovering I failed the bar exam in July 2017, I contacted JD Advising immediately. Meagan responded within minutes to discuss my next steps and offer any guidance possible. After talking with Meagan for a few weeks and discussing my scores, I knew that I wanted to hire her as a tutor. I decided to take the bar exam again in February 2018 and immediately started MBE tutoring with Meagan. She provided me with much more manageable and useful outlines. I also signed up for Meagan’s MI Essay Course. Since I was retaking the bar exam while working full-time, I wanted all the help I could get. Meagan worked with me remotely and we were able to FaceTime during our tutoring sessions and I was video-conferenced into the essay classes.
I cannot describe how happy I was to find out that I had passed the Michigan Bar Exam the second time around! I know that there is no way I would have been able to on my own without the accountability and focus Meagan’s tutoring and essay course gave me. I only wish that I would have used JD Advising’s services the first time around, it was absolutely worth the price! Throughout the entire process, the whole staff at JD Advising was professional, quick to respond, and extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of the bar exam. I would definitely recommend Meagan to anyone who feels like they are struggling with a commercial course or who has previously failed the bar exam.
We are not only tutors but also coaches and mentors.
We have one goal – to help you pass the bar exam!
- read more about our private tutoring services here
- read bar exam private tutoring testimonials here
- contact us here if you have questions
- enroll here!
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