Five Reasons to Sign Up for JD Advising’s MEE Seminar
5 Reasons to Sign Up for JD Advising’s MEE Seminar
5 Reasons to Sign Up for JD Advising’s MEE Seminar: Are you trying to figure out what you really need to focus on to pass the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE)? In our three-hour seminar we will cover the most highly tested issues you are likely to encounter on the MEE. We will also point out common traps that students fall into and help you avoid them. The seminar will take place online with ample time for questions. Below are five reasons why signing up for the MEE Seminar could be a good choice for you!
5 Reasons to Sign Up for JD Advising’s MEE Seminar
1. We will give your our predictions for the February 2017 Exam.
We have taken a look at testing patterns over at least the last decade to come up with our predictions. Based on our review, certain areas likely to show up, including Civil Procedure and Real Property. During the seminar we will provide more in-depth information regarding our predictions for each of the essays. Nevertheless, it is important to review every single subject! Almost no one thought Secured Transactions would show up in July 2016, but it did!
2. We will review the most highly tested issues in each MEE subject.
As the bar exam nears you won’t have time to review the entirety of every subject all over again. Good news: you shouldn’t! To maximize your study time, we will tell you the most commonly tested issues within each subject. For example, you don’t really need to focus on all of future interests, but it is important to understand class gifts. We will also tell you when these issues were tested so you can see how exactly how these issues are likely to come up again.
3. We will give your our MEE and UBE essay frequency charts from the past 7-10 years.
How often the MEE tests a subject is a good indicator of how likely it will be tested again. For example, the most popular subject tested on the written portion is Civil Procedure. Therefore, this is not a subject you want to avoid. And it is important to understand more than personal and subject matter jurisdiction! Our charts will also indicate when examinees had to answer crossover essays (essays that test more than one area of law). This will help you to be more mindful of which subjects are likely to be tested with another subject so you don’t doubt yourself when issue spotting on exam day.
4. We will provide you with tips to improve you MEE score.
It may seem like it’s too late to make adjustments to the way you approach and write your answers to the MEE. That’s not true! Even small adjustments can go a long way to help you increase your score. For example, always pay attention to any language in quotation marks and discuss it in your answer. If you tweak your formatting, try to include more facts in your analysis, and address any timing issues, you will increase your score.
5. We will cover recent cases and changes that will likely be tested.
The NCBE has indicated that it will be testing some new material, including property owners’ associations and common interest ownership communities, some of the nuances of zoning, and amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. We will also review the holdings of a few recent US Supreme Court cases concerning the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth amendments that could show up on the written portion of the exam or the MBE.
The MEE seminar is conveniently located online. We will send an approximately 40-page seminar handout to you ahead of time. To learn more about the MEE seminar, please see this page.
Christine, one of our bar exam tutors, wrote this post. She has passed three bar exams, including California, New York, and New Jersey. Christine scored in the 95 percentile on the MBE, and specializes in helping students raise their uniform bar exam scores!
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