Can You Fail the MPT and Still Pass the Bar Exam?
Can You Fail the MPT and Still Pass the Bar Exam?
When we work with students preparing to take the bar exam, they often want to know which section of the exam is the most difficult. Different students struggle with different parts of the exam, but students are typically concerned with passing the multistate performance test (MPT). Before we share some tips for passing the MPT, we want to let you in on a secret: you can fail the MPT and still pass the bar exam.
Can You Fail the MPT and Still Pass the Bar Exam?
How Important is Your MPT Score?
In UBE states, the MPT is just 20% of your score. Other jurisdictions weigh the MPT differently according to their own policies. In general, the MPT ranges between 10-20% of your overall score. This means you can fail the MPT section and still pass the bar exam. While this should give you some peace of mind, we don’t recommend writing off the MPT entirely! A little practice goes a long way to improve your MPT score and increase your chances of passing the bar exam.
If you’re just starting to studying the MPT portion of the bar exam, check out these MPT tips for beginners.
How Can You Improve Your MPT Score?
If you’re having trouble with the MPT, the first step in improving your score is to identify what your difficulties are. Some students struggle with timing or deciphering the fact pattern. Others struggle with particular tasks or writing style. Once you know what your weaknesses are, you can devise a plan to improve them. We’ve made this easy by putting together this list of 5 strategies to raise your MPT score.
Once You Have a Plan, Practice Makes Perfect!
While knowing that you can fail the MPT and still pass the bar exam may take some of the pressure off, your attitude should be that you don’t want to leave any points on the table. Taking practice MPTs will help you familiarize yourself with this section of the exam. Review your practice responses along with the sample answer and the MPT point sheet can help you learn to refine your responses so you hit all of the issues without wasting any time. With some practice, you can face the MPT with confidence when test day comes around.
Check out our MPT Guide (with a free sample available) for everything you need to know to rock the MPT!
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