Uniform Bar Exam Tips – UBE Tips for the Day of the Exam
Uniform Bar Exam Tips – UBE Tips for the Day of the Exam
In this post we cover some Uniform Bar Exam Tips for the day of the bar exam. We are basing these tips off of common mistakes we see students make on the actual bar exam day. Many students fail the uniform bar exam because they make a mistake that they can easily avoid.
Here we give you five UBE tips for the day of the exam. These will help you avoid common mistakes that uniform bar exam takers make!
Uniform Bar Exam Tips – UBE Tips for the Day of the Exam
1.Time yourself on the MPT. Make yourself move on from an MPT after 1.5 hours.
Better yet, when you are 80 minutes through an MPT, conclude and wrap up. Then move on to the next one. We cannot tell you how many emails we get after the bar exam by people worrying that they failed the bar exam because they ran out of time on the MPT. Don’t be one of these people!
Take 90 minutes for the first MPT, then move on! Keep a close eye on your watch. Use your exam software. Keep track of a clock. Promise yourself that you will do this — then follow through!
2. Don’t write your conclusions first on your essays.
A lot of students are taught the CRAC method and some even incorporate conclusions in their issue statements. We recommend against this for two reasons:
- First, if your conclusions is wrong, you draw attention to it right away.
- Second, sometimes you may change your mind about the conclusion later. While you may have the best intention to go back and change your answer, you may forget. When we provide bar exam essay feedback to students, we see this happen more than you may think!
There is an exception: If you know your conclusion is correct, state it first! Otherwise, put it at the end!
3. Use visualization prior to the MBE (and/or whatever portion of the bar exam you are the most nervous for!)
Visualization is so important! And it is even more important if you struggle with one portion of the bar exam more than others.
Visualization is used by top performing athletes and has become more popular among all kinds of professionals. The studies on the effects of visualization are astounding. Check out this post for bar exam visualization tips.
4. Don’t leave early on the MBE day!
The first day of the uniform bar exam is the essay and multistate performance test portion. The second day of the uniform bar exam is the MBE portion. While it may sound like an unusual uniform bar exam tip, we see time and time again students leave the afternoon portion of the MBE an hour early or thirty minutes early, or whatever, to avoid traffic or just because they want to get out of there–then they fail the bar exam by a point and kick themselves constantly!
This does not mean you have to second guess your answers on the MBE if you find you frequently change them to incorrect answers. But it does mean that you should allocate your time properly on the MBE so that you use the full amount of time you are given.
5. Prepare physically for the exam.
Occasionally students will fail the bar exam because they are too tired, too cold, or have too many stomach issues!
Here are a few critical tips for preparing physically for the bar exam:
- Try to get some sleep before the bar exam. I know this is easier said than done, but focus on relaxing before the bar exam and try to get some sleep.
- Layer up! Some bar exam testing sites are surprisingly cold. Bring a long-sleeved shirt, sweater, and whatever you need to stay warm. (My hands are always cold so I wore fingerless gloves and hand warmers to my bar exam–not that it was the most fashionable decision, but it certainly kept my hands warm.)
- Don’t eat anything too unusual. Or anything that will upset your stomach too much. Or anything too spicey. Try to eat foods that you are used to!
- Don’t drink too much coffee or energy drinks if you are not accustomed to it. (And even if you are accustomed to it, don’t overdo it on the day of the exam–you don’t want to waste time taking too many bathroom breaks!)
Good luck on the day of the bar exam!
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I like that you suggested about taking your time when taking a bar exam since most of it is about writing an essay. One of my friends told me that he was planning on becoming a lawyer. I’m going to share this information with him so that he can prepare for when the time comes, thank you for sharing.