Why the California Bar Exam Is So Hard
Why the California Bar Exam Is So Hard
With both the October 2020 and February 2021 California Bar Exams steadily creeping closer, many students are stressed out with bar prep. They are plagued with the same question, wondering why the exam is so challenging and has such low pass rates. By now, you’ve probably heard from all sorts of people about their experiences and why they felt the exam was difficult. You won’t know for certain until you’ve sat down and taken the exam for yourself. With that in mind, below are a list of objective reasons explaining why the California Bar Exam is so hard.
UPDATE: California passed an order on January 28, 2021 that allows examinees who narrowly passed the California Bar Exam between July 2015 and February 2020 to be admitted to the state bar after completing 300 hours of supervised legal work (no second bar exam is required).