One month until the Uniform Bar Exam: make sure you are doing this!
One month until the Uniform Bar Exam: make sure you are doing this!
There is exactly one month until the Uniform Bar Exam test begins! How you spend your month before the bar exam can make a big difference in whether you pass or fail. Here, we list a few ways to maximize your last month of bar prep so that you are studying effectively.
One month until the Uniform Bar Exam: make sure you are doing this!
1. Start memorizing!
If you have not been memorizing the law, now is the time to start memorizing your bar exam outlines. Many examinees push this off until the last two weeks of bar prep, but by then you will feel overwhelmed. Start now and start with one outline at a time. You will be glad you did. See the link above if you are really not sure how to do this.
2. Focus on the areas where you will get the most points.
Not all areas of the bar exam are treated equally. In fact, knowing some areas of law (e.g., negligence, relevancy…) can make a much bigger difference in your score than knowing others (e.g., present interests, privileges). Focus on the highly tested areas of law, especially now that there is a month less.
Check out the highly tested mbe topics in our MBE frequency chart here. Check out our free MEE guide on the highly tested topics.
Focusing on these areas of law is how you study smart for the Uniform Bar Exam.
3. Please stop ignoring the MPT!
Many students ignore the MPT because they are the least worried about it. However, the MPT is worth 20% of your total score. We have talked to countless examinees who have failed the bar exam simply because they never took a practice MPT. Then, they run out of time to answer the MPT on exam day and start the exam off on the wrong foot (which can also affect their performance on the rest of the bar exam).
Start practicing MPTs now, especially if you have not looked at them so far!
4. Practice essays and MPTs in a timed setting.
Now is the time to start incorporating timed exams into your study schedule. You can start small (33 MBE questions or 2 MEEs in an hour) then increase it (66 MBE questions or 4 MEEs in two hours or 1 MPT in 1.5 hours) until you are taking three-hour practice exams (100 MBE questions, 6 MEE questions, or 2 MPT questions). So many examinees fail the bar exam because they run out of time. If you use your last month effectively, you will not be one of those examinees.
Lastly, make sure you use real MEE, MPT, and MBE questions when you practice timing. There is no sense in using course-invented questions when real ones are available.
5. Reevaluate what is working for you and what isn’t.
Time is your most valuable asset during bar prep. Now is a good time to re-evaluate how you are spending your time. Maybe you need to put in more hours. Or take breaks more frequently. Maybe your study group isn’t that effective. Or maybe lectures are taking up too much time and not helping you learn the material. Now is as good a time as any to reevaluate your study schedule. It is much better to make adjustments — whether they are major or minor — right now, rather than realizing the week before the bar exam that you have not been spending your time wisely.
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- 🏆One-Sheets: Our most popular product! Master the Bar Exam with these five-star rated essentials.
- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
- Exclusive Mastery Classes: Dive deep into highly tested areas of the MBE, MEE, MPT, and CA bar exams in these live, one-time events.
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