Looking For Last Minute MPRE Tutoring?
Looking For Last Minute MPRE Tutoring?
The MPRE is right around the corner. Many people who have starting studying usually realize that they have questions around this time. And there are others who have not yet started studying and are starting to get nervous about their lack of preparation. No matter what your situation you are in, we can help you. What can a last minute MPRE tutoring session do for you?
Looking For Last Minute MPRE Tutoring?
If you sign up for a tutoring session with us, you will receive a hard copy of our outline so long as their is time to send it! The feedback we have received on our outline is that it is far superior to any others floating around. Our outline also has some charts and diagrams that break down some of the tough rules.
1. A last minute MPRE tutoring session can help build confidence.
A tutoring session can also help give you the confidence that you need to successfully tackle the exam. Maybe you have some questions about what you should be doing with your time. It could be that your questions are more substantive. Maybe you really struggle with multiple choice questions. Our tutors have encountered more questions and issues than you can even imagine. No question or issue is too big or too small. A session with a tutor may give you the boost of confidence that you are looking for. You can sign up for just one session to get these questions answered!
2. Our tutors can tailor a session to your needs.
On that note, you should know that our tutors can tailor the session to whatever you want or need. Some people meet and want to ask a million substantive questions. Others want us to do more of the talking and to explain certain rules. Some students want to practice multiple choice problems. A session can be focused on one thing or contain a mix of questions, review and practice. The session is all about you!
If you are looking for substantive help, the tutor can answer your questions. If you want to cover all of the material we will recommend more than one session. But, if you are looking for last minute help the tutor can show you the highly-tested topics. By focusing on these areas, it will help you maximize your chances of passing.
3. A last minute MPRE tutoring session can go over actual material to make sure you grasp the concepts.
Many times, people schedule a last minute MPRE tutoring session to go over a practice exam. We advise our students to practice real MPRE questions—not made up ones! We can spend a session going over problems that were difficult for you and explain the questions and answers so that you know what you do if you see something like that again. The whole point of practicing is to fix the mistakes you are making. There is no point in practicing if you are not learning from it.
4. Our tutors can also help with non-substantive issues, like timing.
It may also be helpful for you to have a last-minute session to go over an approach to multiple choice questions. One complaint we consistently hear is that people are “bad” at multiple choice. Well, during this session, the tutor can show you how we recommend doing problems. Our approach has helped people overcome timing issues, gain confidence and pass this exam (which also helps for bar exam, for that matter!). Once you learn our approach, you and the tutor can spend part of the session doing multiple choice practice questions together to make sure you are comfortable.
If you are looking for some last-minute MPRE tutoring, don’t hesitate to contact us! We can structure a session to fit whatever your needs are.
This post on last minute MPRE tutoring was written by our law school tutor, Meagan Jabbori, who has a 100% passage rate among her privately-tutored MPRE students.
Looking to Ace the MPRE?
- Enroll in our 5-star rated free MPRE Course, complete with expert guidance, an exclusive outline, practice questions, and a one-sheet.
- Tackle the Real MPRE questions — the gold standard for test preparation.
- Elevate your preparation with personalized MPRE private tutoring, featuring a tailored study plan and dedicated MPRE outline.
- Dive into our assortment of complimentary top-notch MPRE resources for your success.