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Real MPRE Questions

Practice using actual, official NCBE-licensed questions

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Use the best MPRE practice questions available!

Gauge your progress on the MPRE with these actual released MPRE questions. These questions are released by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE), which is the organization that administers the MPRE exams. Many of these questions have appeared on past MPRE exams. The first MPRE exam is from 2009 and the second one is from 2021.

You will receive the following if you purchase our real MPRE questions

  • 2 MPRE tests. These are composed of 120 actual, official questions released by the NCBE. They are divided into 60-question tests. If you want to mimic the MPRE, we recommend you take each test timed and aim to complete it in two hours or less. Note: you will receive these as a downloadable, printable PDF.
  • 2021 MPRE Sample Questions Released by the NCBE: These are 33 questions released by the NCBE in March 2021. The 33 questions cover 11 of 12 topics and have answer explanations included.
  • A short answer key. Our short answer key quickly tells you how many questions you answered correctly.
  • Answer explanations. You will receive answer explanations that tell you why one question is correct and why the other three questions are incorrect. These answer explanations are written by experts that write questions for the MPRE.

All these questions were officially released by the NCBE, so you can rest assured you are using the best questions possible to prepare for the MPRE.

You can also have access to our free MPRE course and outline when you purchase these real MPRE questions! The MPRE course and outline are complimentary.