Looking for Last Minute Bar Exam Tutoring?
Looking for Last Minute Bar Exam Tutoring?
We have countless students who reach out to us right around now for last minute bar exam tutoring. Some students need to clarify certain concepts. Others need feedback on writing or help with specific skills. If you are looking for last minute bar exam tutoring, we are happy to help you.
Looking for Last Minute Bar Exam Tutoring?
If you are interested in any of the following, reach out to us for last minute bar exam tutoring:
- You STILL don’t get hearsay. Or Evidence generally. Or the dormant commerce clause. Or the various homicide distinctions. Or some area of the law. The best way to improve your MBE and essay score is to make sure you know the law cold. And before you memorize it you have to understand it.
- You want to cover MBE questions with a tutor.
- You missed our MBE Seminar and are disappointed so you want to schedule this one-on-one live with a tutor.
- You have not started studying for the MPT portion and need to make sure you have an efficient strategy during this last month.
- You want live feedback on essays that you have written so you make sure you are writing the best answer possible.
- You want to review some of the “big ticket” MBE topics (i.e., the highly tested areas of law like negligence, hearsay, free speech, etc.) with a tutor.
- You want to dissect issues that we think may be coming up on the MEE with a tutor.
- You want to cover MBE questions that you answered incorrectly with someone who can explain them to you live.
- You want someone to review your study schedule and help you come up with a bar exam plan.
How is last minute bar tutoring priced?
Check out our latest pricing here!
Can my tutor meet me during the day/evening/weekend?
Yes. Our tutors are very flexible. Many of them are full time tutors and course instructors who can meet you at your convenience.
How do I sign up for last minute bar exam tutoring?
Simply contact us here!
Looking to Pass the Bar Exam?
Free Resources:
- 🌟Bar Exam Free Resource Center: Access our most popular free guides, webinars, and resources to set you on the path to success.
- Free Bar Exam Guides: Expert advice on the MBE, the MEE, passing strategies, and overcoming failure.
- Free Webinars: Get insight from top bar exam experts to ace your preparation.
Paid Resources:
- 🏆One-Sheets: Our most popular product! Master the Bar Exam with these five-star rated essentials.
- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
- Exclusive Mastery Classes: Dive deep into highly tested areas of the MBE, MEE, MPT, and CA bar exams in these live, one-time events.
- Specialized Private Tutoring: With years of experience under our belt, our experts provide personalized guidance to ensure you excel.
- Bar Exam Courses: On Demand and Premium options tailored to your needs.
- Bar Exam Crash Course + Mini Outlines: A great review of the topics you need to know!
🔥 NEW! Check out our Repeat Taker Bar Exam Course and our new premier Guarantee Pass Program!
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