JD Advising Attorneys Grateful to Attend FLAC Annual Fundraiser and Help with Silent Auction
Article by Tish Browning — The Free Legal Aid Clinic (“FLAC”) held its 51st Annual Fundraiser on Saturday, April 16, and it was a tremendous success. FLAC is a student run, non-profit organization that provides free legal services to survivors of domestic violence and the elderly community in the metro-Detroit area, and JD Advising was grateful to be a part of the festivities!
Attorneys from JD Advising helped FLAC students organize their silent auction, and JD Advising was happy to donate two baskets to the auction and a gift certificate for a free, two-hour tutoring session! We enjoyed creating the baskets, which were a “Coffee Lovers Basket” that included a French press, gourmet coffee, and a number of other treats; and an “Italian Dinner Basket,” which contained everything the winner needed to create a delicious Italian meal, including a variety pastas, sauces, a colander, and even an apron.
The turnout was impressive, with attendees ranging from Wayne Law students to professors to members of the judiciary, and it was a great night for the event. The weather was warm, allowing attendees to enjoy the back yard, and The Cat’s Pajamas—a band consisting of five attorneys—were rockin’ as always.
Attendees enjoying the warm weather
Of course, our attorneys were on hand to enjoy the fun. JD Advising attorneys Meagan Jabbori and Tish Browning are both former members of FLAC’s 2014 Board of Directors, and they were happy to see that many of the members of their Board came out to support the organization. All in all, the event was a huge success and, not surprisingly, a fun time for all attendees!
JD Advising Attorneys Tish Browning and Meagan Jabbori
This blog post is by JD Advising tutor and attorney, Tish Browning. Tish tutors for both law school and the bar exam and receives glowing reviews from students. Tish’s generosity and motivation to help others in need is the primary reason that JD Advising is so intimately involved in FLAC! To learn more about JD Advising services, and how Tish or another associate can help you, please contact us at your convenience.