Why You Should Hope For A Wildcard MPT Task!
Why You Should Hope For A Wildcard MPT Task!
Why You Should Hope For A Wildcard MPT Task!: If you regularly read our blog, then you know that we are quite fond of the MPT. As we have mentioned time and time again, it is the only component of the bar exam where examinees are not expected to know any outside law. Additionally, it is the one area that most examinees put off until the last minute and then as a result, throw away super valuable points. Thus, the biggest obstacle for examinees when it comes to the MPT is that they simply haven’t practiced enough. In other words, if you make practicing a priority early on in bar prep, you will likely do just fine on the MPT.
Why You Should Hope For A Wildcard MPT Task!
When it comes to your MPT practice, be sure to start by focusing on the more common tasks—such as memos and briefs. If you are looking for an MPT frequency chart click here. However, once you are comfortable with those tasks you should then move onto practicing some of the less common tasks like demand letters and opinion letters. You should also try your hand at each of the “odd” tasks or wildcard MPT tasks. If you are looking for a schedule to help guide your practice click here.
There are plenty of posts and guidance out there on common MPT tasks. However, there is not a whole of lot information regarding the infamous wildcard MPT task. This post is all about why you should hope for a wildcard MPT task. Yep, why you should hope for one of these!
1. Just like the other MPT tasks, a wildcard MPT task doesn’t require knowledge of outside law.
As previously stated, and likely something you already know, the MPT portion of the bar exam does not require the examinee to have any outside knowledge of the law at issue. In fact, even if you do have outside knowledge of the law, you should leave it out and simply stick to the legal resources provided in your library. When it comes to a wildcard MPT task, the same is true—you don’t have to know anything about the law in order to excel at the task. This is the great thing about this task! The only thing you have to do to get better at the wildcard MPT task is to practice and we guarantee that you can handle that!
2. A wildcard MPT task will tell you exactly how to format your response.
With the more common MPT tasks, like memos and briefs, you need to know how to format the task going into the exam. Indeed, points are awarded to examinees who have a basic understanding of the formatting. This is tough for many examinees who think that they can squeak by this portion of the exam without paying it much attention and never learn or memorize how to format the tasks.
But, when it comes to the wildcard MPT task, you don’t have to know how to format it! Instead, the task memo will give you instructions as to what you are supposed to (per usual) and any special formatting instructions that you must follow. Thus, while you should normally start with the task memo regardless of the task posed, it is especially important with the wildcard MPT task because it will tell you exactly what you need to do. In our opinion, a wildcard MPT task gives many points for the examinees ability to follow instructions.
3. Sometimes when a wildcard MPT task is assigned, there are additional instructions.
To build on the above, the task memo, regardless of the MPT posed, should always be your starting point. But, the task memo is your best friend when you have an odd task or a wildcard MPT task. Why? Because it will tell you exactly how to format your work. Additionally, sometimes when they present an odd task they provide an additional instruction sheet or example regarding what you should be doing. This is exactly why a wildcard task is so great! No other MPT task has clearer instructions and formatting. So, be sure to read and re-read your task memo. Also, look for any additional instructions in your packet, as there may be some in there to guide you.
4. Practice will give you an edge.
We probably sound like a broken record, but that’s ok—another reason you should hope for a wildcard MPT task is because if you practice some, you will definitely have an edge over the average bar taker. Many students note that anxiety and panic is what plagued their MPT performance. This is something we often hear about wildcard MPT tasks. Thus, the way to overcome this issue, and gain an advantage over the average examinee, is to practice so that if you see a wildcard MPT task, you won’t panic. Instead, you will have a game plan and be happy to see a wildcard MPT task!
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- New MPT One-Sheets: Discover crucial formats and tips distilled to simplicity.
- MPT Private Tutoring: Opt for personalized strategies and guidance to elevate your preparation.
- Bar Exam Crash Course and Mini Outlines: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the big picture.
- MPT Mastery Class: Deepen your understanding and skills for MPT excellence.
- Comprehensive MPT Guide: Navigate the MPT process with our step-by-step guide.
- Targeted MPT Feedback: Refine your approach with structural and organizational insights.
- Real MPT Questions Compilation (2000 to present): Engage in hands-on practice to enhance your readiness.
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