My Secret to Graduating as the #1 Law Student (and Law School Prep Tip #6)
My Secret to Graduating as the #1 Law Student (and Law School Prep Tip #6 Set Challenging Goals and Develop a Unique Strategy to Accomplish Them).
My decision to go to law school was not the most well-thought-out decision I’ve ever made. I think my exact logic for that decision was: “I want something challenging but medical school is too long.” I didn’t even have any desire to practice law. I was basically only going to law school because I wanted the intellectual challenge. (Side note: While I do not regret my decision to go to law school for one second, I also do not recommend that such big decisions be made with such little forethought!).
Note: if you are looking for a FREE law school prep course designed by a #1 law student, please reserve your spot for our law school prep course here.
If you are looking for a very detailed guide on how to succeed in law school, please download our FREE guide here.