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score needed to pass the mpre, passing mpre score

What score is needed to pass the MPRE? 

Here, we give you a brief overview of what score is needed to pass the MPRE. Keep in mind that there is no recently released data available, but we can gather approximate scores based on past data that has been published.

According to an article written in 2011 by Susan M. Case, Ph.D., a former director of the National Conference of Bar Examiners, these are the scores needed to pass the MPRE:

  • A score of 100 = 34 correct out of 50 (approximately 68% correct)
  • A score of 85 = 30 correct out of 50 (approximately 60% correct)
  • A score of 80 = 29 correct out of 50 (approximately 58% correct)
  • A score of 75 = 28 correct out of 50 (approximately 56% correct) 

So what this means is that if you need to get a 75 to pass the MPRE, you should aim for about a 56% correct. A 56% correct is 28 correct out of 50, or 34 correct out of 60. (If you want to take an MPRE exam under timed conditions, complete 60 questions in two hours and aim for a 34!)

If you need an 85, you should aim for 60% correct. A 60% correct is about 30 correct out of 50 or about 36 correct out of 60.

You might find it odd that two questions make the difference between a 75 and an 85 (or between passing and failing in some jurisdictions!).

Note that the raw number of questions that must be answered correctly in order to achieve a passing score is not set in stone and it will change depending on how difficult a given test is (but the numbers should not change drastically).

Many law schools and bar review courses say that a score of approximately 32 correctly-answered questions out of 50 will lead to a score of approximately 85.

The main takeaway is that if you are scoring between a 28 and a 32, you are in the passing range in most jurisdictions. It is always better to attempt to score higher rather than lower, of course, so that you do not leave anything up to chance on test day!

How Many Questions do you Need to Get
Right to Pass the MPRE in your state?

What is considered to be a passing score varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. To find out how many questions you need to answer correctly to pass the MPRE in your jurisdiction, please see this list of scores needed in each jurisdiction.  They range from a score of 75 to a score of 86.



I PASSED the MPRE!!! Thank you to JD Advising and tutor Brittany Thomas. I received a 91 on my MPRE score results. I could not have done that without your program. The videos and outlines are on point!. Brittany was key in helping me identify why I was missing certain questions, where I needed to shift my focus, and how to approach my review of all the materials. I am an anxious person and stress out easily so I felt ready even after completing the tutoring program with Brittany but I was still nervous because this was an important exam and I did not want to repeat having to take this ever again. I am so very happy about this result and honestly could not have tackled this, nor passed this exam, without JD Advising and Brittany!! Thank You Thank You

- F.G., November 2022 MPRE Tutoring Student

This was my second time taking the MPRE and I definitely would not have passed without [my tutor’s] help on this try! Not only did I pass, but my score is high enough to submit in every state. My score increased by 20+ points due to tutoring. [My tutor] is very thorough in the way she teaches and reviews; she was able to answer every single question I had. I think the most valuable part of tutoring was being able to actively go through questions with her and ask questions as I went along. I found JD Advising’s MPRE outline much more coherent and easy to digest compared to the standard commercial outlines. I would be more than happy to recommend JD Advising and [my tutor] to any friends looking to pass the MPRE.

– J.J. Second Time MPRE Taker