Four Tips On Law School And Social Media
Four Tips On Law School And Social Media
Social media has revolutionized how we interact with one another. Believe it or not, there was a time where tweets, DMs, comments, and tagging your friends never existed. However, nowadays social media is intertwined with many aspects of our lives. From dating to sharing pictures to job hunting – social media plays a role in all of those things! For law students, social media can provide a much-needed escape from the stress that law school brings. In fact, most law schools actually keep a very active social media presence! Despite all of its benefits, social media use in law school can sometimes be a slippery slope. Law students need to be extra careful of content posted on social media and be cognizant of its ramifications. Your law school, peers, and future employers will all be keeping a close eye on your social media. That means some ground rules should be reviewed before you decide to post that “SpRiNG BRreAk – VeGAs2021” album. Let’s take a closer look at what to keep in mind.