What Does It Mean If A Law School Is Non-Accredited?
Selecting a law school is certainly a big decision. In the United States, there are nearly 200 law schools that the American Bar Association (ABA) offers accredidation to. That fact alone is enough to justify any feelings of being overwhelmed by the task of trying to select just the right school for you! Then, to add to the mix, there are about 30 law schools in the USA that are not ABA-accredited.
Whether to consider pursuing a law school that is not ABA accredited is a question we encourage you to thoughtfully and seriously evaluate. In this post, we will discuss what ABA accreditation means, the risks and limitations of attending a law school that is not ABA accredited, the reasons why some may be drawn to a law school that is not ABA accredited, and we even include a few tips to help you select a law school that is a good fit for you.
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