July 2017 UBE Predictions – MEE and MPT predictions for the July 2017 Uniform Bar Exam
July 2017 UBE Predictions – MEE and MPT Predictions for the July 2017 Uniform Bar Exam
Are you wondering what is going to be tested on the essays on the July 2017 Uniform Bar Exam (UBE)? Us too! We have created our own July 2017 UBE predictions, primarily based on past essay and MPT questions.
July 2017 UBE Predictions – for the July 2017 Uniform Bar Exam
MEE predictions:
The MEE is always tricky to predict so please do not depend on these predictions!! We were fortunate to be accurate with many predictions in February 2017 (and for that reason, students who attended the Multistate Essay Exam seminar were at a great advantage!). Below is what we think may be coming up in July 2017 on the MEE:
1. Civil Procedure (perhaps combined with Conflict of Laws)
Civil Procedure is a favorite subject for the Examiners! It is the most highly tested subject on the essays! It also may be combined with Conflict of Laws. Even though Conflicts is not highly tested, when it is tested it is frequently tested in consecutive years. It was just tested in February 2017 (combined with Family Law).
2. Torts (perhaps with an Agency crossover)
Torts did not appear in February 2017 and the Examiners seem to like Torts! They have also tested Agency consecutively in the past so an agency crossover would not surprise us.
3. Secured Transactions
It did not appear in February 2017. The Examiners seem to like this subject, especially recently, so we think it is fair game for July’s exam.
4. Criminal Law and Procedure
While this is not a popular subject, the Examiners generally like to include an essay on a subject that is not tested frequently in an MEE.
5. Wills (perhaps combined with Conflict of Laws if Civil Procedure is not)
They just tested Trusts, so we think they will go back to a plain Wills question.
6. Evidence
Evidence is another favorite subject for the Examiners and it was not tested in February 2017. It was tested both exams in 2016.
Wild Card: Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law is a semi-popular MBE subject on the MEE– appearing in February 2013, February 2014, February 2015, and also February 2016! — and it didn’t show up in July 2016 or February 2017. We still think they may do something like Criminal Law and Procedure in its place but we have been going back and forth about it.
To see our UBE chart and learn more about how we arrived at our predictions take a look at our detailed post here.
Note: You should not rely on these predictions! You should still study all of the subjects and focus on the most highly tested topics within each subject. We are simply letting you know what we think could be coming up on the next “round” of Uniform bar exam essays!
MPT predictions:
If you are wondering what tasks you may encounter on the MPT this July, here are our thoughts.
1. Persuasive Brief
The objective memo and persuasive brief account for at least 70% of all tasks tested during the last ten years. Because students were asked to write an objective memo on the last three exams, we think it is highly likely that examinees will be asked to write a persuasive brief in July. If you are unsure of how to format a brief, take a look at our post on how to format a persuasive brief on the MPT here.
2. Opinion Letter
After the persuasive brief and the objective memo, the next most commonly tested tasks are opinion letters and demand letters. It has been almost two years since the NCBE asked students to write an opinion letter, so it is possible that it may show up on the exam this July. Opinion letters are generally written to clients and provide an objective view of the possible courses of action available to them. If you are feeling uneasy about this task, check out our post on how to draft an opinion letter here.
Note: You should not rely on these predictions! You should still familiarize yourself with other types of MPTs, including taking a look at some uncommon tasks. We are simply letting you know what we think could be coming up on the next “round” of MPTs!
Want to know the topics we think are coming up on the bar exam?
Visit our MEE seminar page. This goes over the highly-tested topics that we predict are coming up on the Multistate Essay Exam. Note that it fills up fast! So, we recommend early application. We had extremely good feedback from our last MEE seminar an in fact over 70% of what was tested on the MEE was covered by the seminar!
Wondering what the highly-tested issues are within each subject?
Check out our MEE one-sheets (pictured to the left). These have gotten absolutely fantastic reviews, which you can read on our MEE one-sheets page here. The MEE one-sheets give you an overview of the highly-tested areas of the MEE in one sheet, front and back. They contain an overview of the highly tested areas of law on the MEE in one sheet, each. You can see this post about how accurate our MEE one-sheets are in terms of what is tested on the MEE!
Want a free resource on highly-tested MEE topics? Check out this PDF and youtube video here!
Both the one-sheets and the seminar are fantastic, tailored resources that are dedicated to getting you as many points as possible on the MEE.
Christine, one of our bar exam tutors, wrote this post. She has passed three bar exams, including California, New York, and New Jersey. Christine scored in the 95 percentile on the MBE, and specializes in helping students raise their uniform bar exam scores!
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- 🌟Bar Exam Free Resource Center: Access our most popular free guides, webinars, and resources to set you on the path to success.
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- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
- Exclusive Mastery Classes: Dive deep into highly tested areas of the MBE, MEE, MPT, and CA bar exams in these live, one-time events.
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