JD Advising’s Data Sharing Policy
At JD Advising we want our clients to know that we prioritize and respect the privacy of their personal data. Please thoroughly review the Data Sharing Policy (“the Policy”) below and select YES or NO to allowing us to share data regarding your bar prep course progress with your law school. We honor your right to decide how your course data will be shared.
We believe that sharing data on your bar prep progress enhances the support provided to you in order to be successful on the bar exam. JD Advising and your law school share the goal of you passing the bar exam the first time. We believe that communication between all parties (yourself included) generally is an effective means to accomplish that goal.
For this reason, we created this form to allow for appropriate and responsible information sharing when asked by your law school to do so, unless you indicate otherwise at the bottom of this form.
Eligibility for Supplemental Services through Data Sharing
JD Advising strongly believes that electing to share data with your law school has many personal benefits for you. Law schools cannot offer additional assistance and support if they do not know you are struggling (or praise and motivation when you are succeeding!). Information sharing is thus helpful to ensuring that you receive all the resources and support available. Some of the resources a law school may provide to students may not be available to all or publicly advertised. Instead, additional support may be given to select students who demonstrate the need and ability to benefit from it based on information provided by JD Advising.
Other times, a law school may provide resources and incentives to all students in the form of programs to keep you motivated through the bar prep process. In this instance, our Policy will allow you to benefit from these programs by doing exactly what you’re doing already.
If you elect to opt out of this Policy, you may not be eligible to participate in bar exam support programs at your law school.
What information do we share with your school?
This Policy applies to data sharing requests concerning your bar exam course completion progress. This may include how you are progressing through the lectures, how you are scoring on essays and exams, as well as how you are improving on MBE questions. The information shared with a school will be with the purpose and intention of allowing them to reach out to you for additional support, encouragement, or motivation.
The term of sharing bar progress data with the law school will begin when you sign up for a JD Advising bar exam course and end two (2) years after the bar administration your course applies to concludes. If you repeat a bar exam course, the term of sharing bar progress data continues until two (2) years after the completion of your repeat exam.
Financial Support from Schools
If your law school is paying for your JD Advising program in part or in full, you will NOT have the option to opt-out of the Policy. In this instance, the law school is our client. If you wish to not have your bar prep progress shared with your law school, please address this with your home institution or do not utilize their resources.
NOTE: This policy does NOT apply to University of Detroit Mercy School of Law and University of Houston Law Center students—we are required to share these students’ data and progress with the school per law school rules.
Question on disclosure (Required)
We want to be transparent with you so you can make an informed decision on whether you’d like to share information relating to your bar exam preparation with your institution and the benefits it could provide.
Do you give us permission to share data with your law school?
- YES, you may share data relating to my course progress with my law school.
- NO, you may not share data relating to my course progress with my law school. I understand that by checking this box, I may be ineligible to participate in supplemental law school bar exam programs.
(please make your selection in the enrollment form)