Best Outdoor Study Spots For The California Bar Exam
Studying for the California Bar Exam may seem next to impossible during this unprecedented time. If you’re feeling anxious or stressed, you are not alone and need to realize that studying for the California Bar Exam is already a monumental task. Taking it during a global pandemic is an achievement in and of itself! Be proud of what you are doing and acknowledge just how awesome and powerful you are.
With most coffee shops, libraries, and other study spaces closed due to COVID, now is a great time to get outside. Take advantage of the jaw-dropping outdoor study spots that California has to offer. With so many beautiful outdoor study spots sprinkled throughout the great state of California, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a reason to stay inside. The outdoor study spots listed below should help you feel re-energized and revitalized while you soak in the sun and study for the California Bar Exam!
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