Get the best bar exam courses at the best prices!
Sign up for our course with expert instruction, top quality outlines, and the best practice questions available.
Sign up for our course with expert instruction, top quality outlines, and the best practice questions available.
We tell you what has been tested and when it has been tested so you can study efficiently for the bar exam. And, the our MEE One-sheets or California Bar Exam One-sheets are included in all full courses!
We give you about 1,500 real, released multiple-choice questions and released essay questions, with detailed answer explanations.
Our courses are taught by 5-star instructors who have scored in the top percentile on the bar exam and know the bar exam inside and out.
Our courses are tailored to work with your schedule so you can walk into the bar exam with confidence. We give you a detailed lesson plan so you know what to accomplish each week, day, and hour!
Your personal attorney essay grader will grade essays and provide feedback to ensure you are on track to pass the bar exam.
We work with top law firms and law schools because of our excellent track record and passage rate.