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Bar Exam Consultation

Book a bar exam consultation with one of our bar exam experts today. Create your action plan to pass the bar exam!

bar exam consultation services, law school tutoring

Looking for a Bar Exam Consultation?

If you recently found out you failed the bar exam, or if you are coming up with a first-time bar exam study plan, you may be looking for a bar exam consultation to figure out the next steps. A bar exam consultation can be extremely helpful to determine a tailored and personalized study plan. Students report feeling so much better and motivated after talking to one of our bar exam experts! We offer this service to students taking the bar exam in any state.

What is a Bar Exam Consultation?

A one-on-one consultation comes with an hour-long phone call where one of our bar exam experts will do all of the following:

  • Help you come up with a bar exam study plan that is tailored to you
  • Recommend specific resources that you may benefit from
  • Review your bar exam score report, if applicable
  • Discuss how you studied for the last bar exam, if applicable
  • Give tips on what you can change moving forward, if applicable

If you are a repeat taker, you also have the option to pay extra to receive detailed feedback on your essays and performance test answers for an additional cost (please click the consultation + essay feedback option at checkout if you are interested in this).

Note: We provide essay feedback for those in UBE states, MEE states, or California. If you are in a different state, please contact us prior to paying for this option to ensure we can help you!

Schedule your bar exam consultation here!