AMA with JD Advising’s Ashley Heidemann is Today!!
AMA with JD Advising’s Ashley Heidemann is Today!!
Do you want a chance to win JD Advising’s Multistate Essay Exam One-Sheets? Then join JD Advising’s founder Ashley E. Heidemann, Esq. as she answers your questions on law school and the bar exam. On Wednesday, March 29th from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EST, Ms. Heidemann will take part in a bar prep AMA on Scholastica’s Law Review Editors LinkedIn Group. In order to ask questions, you must be a member of Scholastica’s Law Review Editors LinkedIn Group. The LinkedIn group was established by Scholastica for law review editors to share advice pertaining to law review and law school in general. To request membership, follow this link.
AMA with JD Advising’s Ashley Heidemann is Today!!
What: AMA with JD Advising’s founder Ashley E. Heidemann, Esq.
When: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. EST.
Where: Scholastica Law Review Editors LinkedIn Group
Why: To ask questions and for your chance to win JD Advising’s MEE
How: Sign up here!
Students who partake in the AMA will also have the opportunity to win a copy of our Multistate Essay Exam One-Sheets (which are perfect for those taking the Uniform Bar Exam as well!) valued at $169.99. Our MEE One-Sheets, which can be purchased here, provide a last-minute review of the highly-tested material on the MEE.
The One-Sheets contain the highly-tested areas of law for each subject since 1995 to the present date (including the July 2016 UBE). Students find the One-Sheets helpful because they provide a detailed, focused and concise review of the tested subjects. They also help students discern trends in each subject, helping them predict some of the issues on the MEE. Students will be provided with a special link at the time of the AMA to enter the giveaway which is exclusive to Scholastica’s Law Review Editors LinkedIn Group. Those who do not win the giveaway will get an exclusive code to receive 10% off their purchase of our MEE One-Sheets.
Ms. Heidemann is the founder of JD Advising, LLC. She graduated #1 in her law school class and received a top score of over 180 on the Michigan bar exam. JD Advising offers a full-service Uniform bar exam course, a Multistate Essay Exam course, and a Multistate Essay Exam seminar where we accurately predict several topics that are coming up on the MEE. We also offer several Michigan bar exam services. Ms. Heidemann has a team of fantastic private tutors that teach law students and bar exam students. She has designed all of her own JD Advising course materials. Her company has an extremely high MPRE and bar exam passage rate for its students.
In addition to teaching, Ms. Heidemann also writes articles (both on her blog and popular publications such as the National Jurist). She also published a book on How to Pass the Michigan Bar Exam, and a book regarding MEE one-sheets for the Uniform Bar Exam. She is also an avid speaker and gives speeches to law students on how to succeed in law school and the bar exam as well as speeches to pre-law classes and clubs on how to prepare for law school.
Sign up here for your chance to ask Ms. Heidemann any questions you have about law school and the bar exam!
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