When do you need to start studying for the MPT?
When do you need to start studying for the MPT?
Many students make the mistake of looking at the multistate performance test (MPT) a couple weeks or a month before the bar exam. In this post, we tell you why you need to start studying for the MPT early! By studying for the MPT early, not only will it be more manageable, but you will also maximize your chances of passing the bar exam!
When do you need to start studying for the MPT?
Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad advice floating around based on the fact that the MPT is “only” worth 20% of your score in a Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) state, that you need to focus on the MBE, and that the MPT is “easier.” We disagree with this logic for a few reasons.
First, the MPT is worth an entire 20% of your score in UBE jurisdictions. This is worth the same as 70 scored MBE questions. And it is almost worth as much as the MEE. You need to take the MPT seriously from the beginning. It is an important part of the bar exam that can, and often does, make the difference between a passing and failing grade.
Second, the MPT is much less intimidating when you study in “small doses.” And if you start looking at it early, you are much more likely to follow through with your MPT study plan. Students that put the MPT portion off end up to a month before bar prep or whenever, often end up putting it off even longer as they dread looking at the MPTs.
Third, while the MPT comes more naturally to some, it is actually harder than it may seem. Many excellent writers score low on the MPT often because (a) they don’t follow directions or (b) they run out of time. We cannot tell you how many smart, studious examinees contact us because they fail the bar exam due to the MPT portion. They often say they spent all their time on the MBE and barely thought about the MPT due to its reputation for being easy.
Lastly, dedicated studying will make a huge difference in your score. If you start studying early and regularly for the MPT, you will find that you can increase your comfort level and confidence with the MPT. This will help you score high on the MPT and increase your chances of passing the bar exam. Not only that, but oftentimes the MPT is the first part of the exam that is administered in UBE jurisdictions. If you conquer the MPT portion, it will set a good tone for the rest of the bar exam, make you less nervous, and make you more likely to pass those portions as well.
So, you should start studying for the MPT as soon as you start studying for the other portions of the bar exam. Just look at about 2 MPTs per week. It will take a few hours, and it will give you at tremendous advantage walking into the bar exam. If you are looking for an MPT study schedule to follow, check out this post.
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