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Free Law School Prep Course

Learn how to succeed in law school—for free!—from law school experts

how to answer law school exam questions

JD Advising Free Law School Prep Course

Taught by attorney instructors and esteemed professors

Join thousands of your peers enrolled in our course!

Since we launched this course in 2021, we have had thousands of students enroll. We have received an overall course rating of 4.76 out of 5. Our course was recently mentioned by U.S. News and World Report as being a helpful law school resource. It is also featured as a resource on the LSAC website, the National Jurist, and the ABA Law Student Division blog and promoted by several pre-law groups, undergraduate institutions, and law schools.

 Our free Law School Prep Course focuses on teaching students how to succeed academically in law school. Many aspects of your law school and legal careers are guided by how well you do in your first year. This course was designed by a student who graduated #1 in their law school class.

Some of the key things we teach include:

  • How law school differs from college + an overview of useful vocabulary
  • How to speed-read and book-brief cases
  • How to take notes and answer questions when you are on call
  • How to outline and learn your outlines
  • How to answer law school exam questions using IRAC
  • How to create a law school study schedule
  • Legal writing and research tips
  • The substantive law you will learn in each of your core substantive 1L classes (Torts, Contracts, Constitutional Law, Real Property, Criminal Law, and Civil Procedure), complete with mini-outlines. (12 hours of review! Now with flashcards and quizzes!)
  • Informative Q&A’s with the authors of the best-selling book, Getting to Maybe, and  the authors of Law School Done Right
  • NEW: A Q&A with a Harvard Law School grad and TikTok star, Nicholle Patricia!
  • NEW PRELAW MATERIAL:  9 prelaw application assistance videos, plus a free on demand LSAT webinar!

Hear from attorneys, law school, tutors, esteemed professors, and past students from Harvard Law School, Yale Law School, and the University of Michigan Law School! 

Our high-quality law school prep course can help lower anxiety and give you the confidence that you are doing everything you need to be doing from day one of law school.

Our Law School Prep Course is available on demand for free now!

What sets JD Advising apart?

Time-Tested Advice

We teach the skills that our founder used to graduate as a #1 student. These skills have helped numerous law students excel in law school and beyond.

Essential Law School Skills

We teach you the essential law school skills you need to utilize from day one of law school, including outlining, memorizing the law, and exam strategies.

Instruction by Experts

Our courses are taught by 5-star attorney instructors and esteemed professors who can answer your questions, guide you through law school, and allay any fears you may have.

Substantive Law

You will learn the substantive law for all first-year law school classes and get the opportunity to quiz yourself using flashcards, multiple-choice questions, and more!

Practical Experience

You will have an opportunity to practice reading and briefing cases, outlining, answering exam questions, and making a study schedule.

Success Beyond Law School

We teach you not only how to succeed your 1L year, but beyond that in extracurriculars, internships, clerkships, and employment opportunities!

Get the best prep course for free!

“I feel much more prepared than I did before this course. It touched on the main things that I was worried about – outlining, exams, how to study and what to study.”

Law School Prep Course Student

I loved that this [Law School Prep] course truly focused on the skills you will need in law school. My school offers a free course, but when I looked at the syllabus it focused exclusively on briefing cases and the substantive law for classes like Property, Torts, etc. Your course was much more thorough and cut to the core of what students need to actually be successful.

This [Law School Prep] course made me feel so comfortable when I began law school! It provided the essential basics that make all the difference in excelling in law school.

I would highly recommend this [Law School Prep] class to all law students. The materials are fabulous and can serve as a reference guide for all your law school classes. The instructors were engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed watching all the videos.

This [Law School] preparatory class has put me in a much better place than I was before I was introduced to the class. Going into the class, I knew almost nothing about what law school would be like. My expectations came only from word of mouth from friends and family. However, Meagan and Ashley have eased my mind about starting law school now that I have a solid foundation to rely on going into Wayne State Law. This course provides a very comfortable environment to learn. I feel that I have gone from knowing very little about how to succeed as a student of law to gaining an advantage over others who may not have taken such a course in five sessions. These sessions cover all the bases. I learned the ins and outs of how to approach each class and how to use time efficiently to earn the best grades possible. I would recommend this course to anyone seeking an early advantage in law school and to anyone who wishes to learn more about how to be the best law student they can be.

I was really pleased to see the course split into very accessible units, excellent ‘study’ materials for the quiz, awesome job all around. The curriculum was fantastic for those who have no prior experience in law whatsoever. Other prep courses jump straight in without defining many terms which makes following along tedious and frustrating. JD Advising has the best prep material I have come across so far.

It was clear, direct, and emphasized the importance of book briefing and to approach law school with the intention of doing well in exams at top of mind throughout. The information provided was valuable.

Ready to sign up for our FREE five-star course?