Looking for free tools to help you pass the bar exam? We’ve collected all of our best free bar exam resources in one place!  !

Need help interpreting your bar exam score report or creating a study plan for your next attempt? Our bar exam experts can help! Check out our or services!

Need a bar exam score boost? Looking for one-on-one attention in your bar prep? Our are ready to help you pass!

MPT Services

Get an upper edge on the MPT!

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MPT Tutoring

We offer in-depth private tutoring services to our students looking for help on the MPT portion of the exam. We cover critical MPT tasks and assign graded feedback on MPTs as part of the cost of a private tutoring session.

MPT One-Sheets

Our impressive and popular one-sheets cover each major MPT task. We guide you on how to format your MPT, offer strategic tips and comments by our JD Advising experts, and include a sample student answer for each MPT task.

MPT Mastery Class

Our MPT Mastery Class covers the common types of MPT tasks–objective memoranda, persuasive briefs, letters, as well as “wildcard tasks.” We tell you exactly how to approach each one and go through actual MPT’s together!

MPT Guide

Our MPT Guide tells you exactly how to structure an MPT. We have over 140 pages of in-depth advice from our MPT experts and we cover every aspect of the MPT that you need to know to conquer the MPT!

Looking for something else? Check out our other MPT options below:

MPT feedback: We provide detailed MPT feedback. We tell you how to approach the questions and improve your score. In addition to written feedback, you can also request a phone call with each round of grading!

MPT books: Our MPT books are a must-have! Within each book, the MPTs are arranged by the year the question appeared, followed by the official examiner’s analysis and a model answer.