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Bar Exam Flashcards

Excel with JD Advising’s NEW flashcards!

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Get the Upper Hand on the Bar Exam!

JD Advising’s MBE flashcards are your solution if you are looking for a concise and manageable overview of the law tested on the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE). The MBE flashcards contain the relevant laws tested on the MBE in over 1,400 flashcards. They also contain helpful tips for each MBE subject and colorful images! The MBE Flashcards are a great tool for visual learners. These flashcards will help you if you are taking the bar exam in any state that administers the MBE (which is every state except Louisiana).

The MBE Flashcards were meticulously designed by our JD Advising founder, who scored a 180 on the MBE. We recommend using them as a study tool, not as a replacement for an outline.

The MBE Flashcards can be purchased as a set. We offer these Flashcards electronically on our website. You can go through each subject as many times as you want during your enrollment period.

We are creating flashcards for the MEE, so stay tuned for those!

Bar Exam Flashcards SAMPLE

Here is a sample of the JD Advising MBE Flashcards for you to see how they look and work. You can find more samples by clicking Purchase.

Bar Exam Flashcards Sample
Subjects Available Flashcards

What sets JD Advising apart?


The Flashcards contain concise MBE material to make your studying efficient. We condense the highly tested areas of MBE law into one flashcard per concept, to make the materials more digestible.


The MBE Flashcards are updated to reflect the most current law tested on the MBE. We update them each administration with new and updated laws. We created the Flashcards based on our bar exam outlines. And, we include colorful images, see an example in the sample below!

Access Online

The MBE Flashcards are available online in an easy-to-use format. The website is accessible on all devices. You can customize by subject and topic to focus your study time.

A Great Review

The MBE Flashcards are an excellent tool for reviewing the law. You can use them throughout your study period, or as a review at the end. The ability to organize them by subject and topic allows for a focused review of the law.


The vast amount of material you need to know for the MBE can be overwhelming. Save time and effort by using ours! Even better, our flashcards correspond with our bar review courses, so they will be familiar to those signed up for a course.


The MBE Flashcards will boost your confidence and make you feel more prepared (and less overwhelmed!) when taking the MBE! They were designed by JD Advising founder, who scored a 180 on the MBE.