We put together a completely free resource to help you pass the bar exam! We’ve organized all of our best free bar exam resources in one convenient location. Access our top guides, attack outlines, test-taking and study strategies, and videos in one place. We offer this for everyone taking the Uniform Bar Exam or the California Bar Exam. This is a perfect supplement to a commercial bar review course or for those who are self-studying for the bar exam.
Bar Exam
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Free Bar Exam Resources Center
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Here are some tips based on common first-time taker mistakes that most commercial courses don't tell you.
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We will go over a few sample MBE questions and provide videos that demonstrate how to approach them.
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Here are some sources of free MBE questions to practice with (although released MBE questions are the best!).
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Get frequency charts, memorization tips, subject matter outlines, checklists, and more!
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Get daily MBE questions and tips sent to your inbox!
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Here are a few of our favorite resources to help you improve your MBE score and master timing on the MBE!
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Use this blank, printable scantron for your MBE practice.
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Here are some tips based on common first-time taker mistakes that most commercial courses don't tell you.
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Here are some tips specifically geared toward the MEE.
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Here are some tips specifically geared toward the California essay exam.
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We offer some tips and resources that will be useful for those taking any bar exam.
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Here are some tips based on common first-time taker mistakes that most commercial courses don't tell you.
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It can be tempting to overlook this portion, but here's why you should take the performance test seriously!
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Here are plenty of tips and strategies for preparing for the performance test and improving your score!
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We teach you how to study efficiently and be more productive.
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Having a good, personalized bar prep study schedule (and sticking to it!) is critical to success on the bar exam! Here are a few posts to help you create your ideal schedule.
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It can be hard to manage working and study at the same time, so here are some resources to help!
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If you failed the bar exam, you are not alone! We have helped countless repeat takers pass the bar exam, some even after a third, fourth, or fifth try (or even more!). Here are some posts with advice geared specifically for repeat takers.
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Here are a few more lighthearted posts to help you during bar prep!
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These resources are not free, but these are by far our most popular bar exam resources! We want to tell you about them in case you are looking for an extra boost on any particular portion of the bar exam!