When Will the July 2024 Michigan Bar Exam Results Be Released?
When Will the July 2024 Michigan Bar Exam Results Be Released?
Wondering when the July 2024 Michigan Bar Exam results will be released? We are too! The Michigan Board of Law Examiners states that Michigan Bar Exam results are released mid-November but in reality, they usually are released earlier than that. Below, you can see the past release dates for the July Michigan Bar Exam results. UPDATE–RESULTS WERE RELEASED ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2024!
When Will the July 2024 Michigan Bar Exam Results Be Released?
Past release dates for July Michigan Bar Exam results:
- July 2024: results were released online Wednesday, October 16, 2024 around 3:30 pm
- July 2023: results released online Tuesday, 10/24/23, around 3:55 p.m. (55% passed)
- July 2022: results released online Monday, 10/31/22a t 4:25 p.m. (about 60-61% pass rate)
- July 2021:results released online Wednesday, 10/27/21, around 4:12 p.m. (about 60% passed)
- July 2020:results released online Tuesday, 10/27/20 around 3:00 p.m.; list of certified passers posted Friday, 11/6/20 (723 applicants—68% passed)
- July 2019: results released onlineThursday, 10/31/19 around 11 a.m.; list of certified passers post date is unknown (641 applicants—61% passed)
- July 2018:results released online Wednesday, 10/17/18 around 4:15 p.m.; list of certified passers posted Monday, 10/29/18 (678 applicants—67% passed)
- July 2017:results released online Tuesday, 10/17/17 at 4:40 p.m.; results posted significantly after that (about 10 days) (680 applicants—73% passed)
- July 2016:results released online Friday, 10/14/16; results posted on Tuesday 10/25/16 (695 total applicants—66% passed)
- July 2015: results released online Thursday, 10/21/15; results posted on Wednesday 10/30/15(811 total applicants—62% passed)
- July 2014: results released online Thursday, 11/6/14; results posted on Wednesday 11/12/14(953 total applicants—65% passed)
- July 2013: results mailed Thursday,10/24/13; results posted Tuesday 10/29/13 (1007 total applicants—62% passed)
- July 2012:results mailed on Thursday, 10/25/12; results posted Monday 10/29/12 (967 total applicants—57% passed)
- July 2011:results mailed Wednesday, 10/12/11; results posted Monday 10/17/11 (888 total applicants—76% passed)
- July 2010:results mailed Wednesday, 10/13/10; results posted Monday 10/18/10 (782 total applicants—80% passed)
- July 2009:results mailed Tuesday, 10/27/09; results posted Wednesday 10/28/09 (800 total applicants—85% passed)
- July 2008: results mailed Friday, 10/31/08;results posted Wednesday 11/5/08 (879 total applicants—74% passed)
- July 2007:results mailed Wednesday, 10/31/07; results posted Monday 11/5/07 (848 total applicants—80% passed)
We predict the release date will be late October (possibly Friday, October 25, 2024!). UPDATE–RESULTS WERE RELEASED ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2024!
We have an in-depth post on when all states’ results will be released.
If you want to see the days and dates that February Michigan Bar Exam results were released, check out this post.
Will the July 2024 Michigan Bar Exam results be posted online?
Yes, the Michigan Board of Law Examiners’ website says that results will be posted by seat number on the day that results are mailed. (In case you are wondering where they reveal that results are released, they make an announcement right here on the home page of their website.) Note: this is the seat you were actually sitting in—which may be different than the seat you were originally assigned.
If you do not remember your seat number, you may have to wait for the results to be mailed. Last year they did not release this information to applicants who did not write down their seat number.
What time of day are the Michigan Bar Exam results posted online?
Lately, results have been released between 3 PM and 4:40 PM. In 2024, the result was declared by 3:55 pm ET. Except in 2019, results were released around 11 AM Anywhere between 12:00 PM and 4:50 PM is normal, but we suspect they will be posted closer to 4:00 PM. It is unlikely they will be posted later than 5:00 PM ET.
Will I be able to find my July 2024 Michigan Bar Exam results by my seat number if I don’t have Character and Fitness clearance?
Most likely. For the last eight bar exams, the Michigan Board of Law Examiners (BLE) released the seat numbers of everyone who passed the bar exam—including those who had not yet passed the MPRE or Character and Fitness. If they do the same thing this time, you will be able to find out whether you passed as soon as results are posted, regardless of if you are still waiting for Character and Fitness clearance.
I’m Worried I Failed! Can I Reserve a Spot for Tutoring or a Course?
Yes. Contact us at info@jdadvising.com or 248-228-5547 to reserve your spot for any of the following.
We offer:
- We have an On Demand or Premium Uniform Bar Exam Coursewhich are very popular! You can read more about our courses here as well as see outline samples!
- Our Multistate Essay Exam Courseis super popular even among those who take standard commercial courses, as we give you a huge advantage on essay day. To read more about the MEE Course, go here.
- Private tutoring for the Uniform Bar Exam.You cannot beat one-on-one private tutoring. You can sign up for one session or multiple sessions (or any number in between). To learn about our private tutoring services, click here.
A few notes if you choose to reserve your spot for any of the above:
- First, you are not required to use the spot if you temporarily reserve the spot. It will merely be held for you until results are released. (Note: if you hold a spot for our On Demand or Premium Uniform Bar Exam Course, we will preserve any current discounts for you even if the discount has expired by the time you get your results.)
- Just because you reserve a spot (as your plan B!) does not mean you will jinx yourself! In fact, most of our students who reserve a with us end up not needing it (even though they are convinced they failed!). Why is this? It is because feelings do not correlate with results! This is why—even if you are absolutely convinced you failed—you may have indeed passed! Please see this post about how to deal with worrying about bar exam results before they are released! You are also welcome to contact ushere if you find you cannot stop worrying!
I’m bored. What else should I do while I’m waiting for results?
If you are waiting for results:
- Plan a nice post-bar exam vacation (or “bar moon” as some call it). Anywhere. Being in an “in-between” stage of your life can feel awful in some ways, but in other ways, it gives you an excuse to take a break!
- Figure out a plan of attack for if you fail and if you pass. We have some stellar ideas on “The Art of Waiting for Bar Exam Results.”
- We have some work-related articles herethat discuss how to start your own business, how to start your own law firm, polishing up your LinkedIn profile, etc. These are especially useful if you are looking to put yourself in the best position to get a job while waiting for bar exam results.
If you failed the bar exam:
- I failed the bar exam. What should I do?Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on what to do!
- How to pass the bar exam the second time around: five things to do differently.
- I failed the bar exam twice (or three times, or four or more times): Here is a step-by-step guide to getting out of this vicious cycle!
- Should I rewatch lectures if I fail the bar exam? Generally, the answer is no.
- How to tell your boss you failed the bar exam: What to say and what not to say.
- Lastly, check out our very popular note to those who failed the bar exam, quotes for those who failed the bar exam, and a list of famous people that failedthe bar exam—you are not alone!
If you passed the bar exam:
- Read our note to those who passed the bar exam. It reminds you how to mind your bar exam manners and keep your friends if you passed!
- A description of swearing-in ceremonies: If you are in Michigan and you pass the bar exam, you will need to have a swearing-in ceremony! Read all of our swearing-in ceremony posts here!
Good luck waiting for bar exam results!
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Free Resources:
- 🌟Bar Exam Free Resource Center: Access our most popular free guides, webinars, and resources to set you on the path to success.
- Free Bar Exam Guides: Expert advice on the MBE, the MEE, passing strategies, and overcoming failure.
- Free Webinars: Get insight from top bar exam experts to ace your preparation.
Paid Resources:
- 🏆One-Sheets: Our most popular product! Master the Bar Exam with these five-star rated essentials.
- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
- Exclusive Mastery Classes: Dive deep into highly tested areas of the MBE, MEE, MPT, and CA bar exams in these live, one-time events.
- Specialized Private Tutoring: With years of experience under our belt, our experts provide personalized guidance to ensure you excel.
- Bar Exam Courses: On Demand and Premium options tailored to your needs.
- Bar Exam Crash Course + Mini Outlines: A great review of the topics you need to know!
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