JD Advising attends AASE Diversity Conference
JD Advising attended the Association of Academic Support Educators (AASE) conference on October 12-13, 2017 at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law in Baltimore, Maryland. The goal of this particular AASE
conference was to spread information about how to educate a diverse student body.
JD Advising is honored to have been a sponsor at the AASE conference.
Further, JD Advising’s Klaudia Psari, pictured to the left had a fantastic time meeting educators and academic support staff, hosting an Apple Watch giveaway, and introducing staff members to JD Advising’s services.
JD Advising was thrilled to be a part of the event. We are looking forward to attending the next AASE conference!
Looking for superior bar exam instruction and materials?
If you are looking for private tutoring, please feel free to contact us at your convenience (even if it is toward the end of your bar exam preparation!). We also offer bar exam tutoring, bar exam essay feedback, and multiple-choice (MBE) assistance to students nationwide.
In addition, we offer private tutoring for several state bar exams as well as the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE). Also, check out our highly regarded Uniform Bar Exam course if you are interested in a full-service approach to the uniform bar exam. We also offer many other options if you are taking the UBE (MEE one-sheets, an MEE seminar, an MEE course, and an MPT seminar, among others!).
If you are looking for a new approach, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
Looking for (free) help?
We have several other posts on recovering from failure and on how to conquer the next bar exam you take. If you want to read more, please click on the links (on the bottom of the page if you are on your phone and on the side of the page if you are on a laptop) to see our other bar exam posts on specific bar exams or specific topics! If you are looking for our guidance, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
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