Should I Get A UBE Tutor?
Should You Get A UBE Tutor?
If you’re planning to take the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) soon, whether it’s for the first time or after previously failing, you should really consider working with a bar exam tutor. A UBE tutor is a great way to get extra, one-on-one assistance that is lacking from most commercial bar prep courses.
Should You Get A UBE Tutor?
Here’s a list of reasons you might benefit from a UBE tutor.
1. If you’re having trouble understanding concepts.
Many students have trouble learning simply by listening to a lecture and filling in blanks on a handout. For many, it’s often easier for them to understand legal concepts in an interactive, one-on-one environment. So, if you’re one of these students, a bar exam tutor can help explain these concepts to you in a one-on-one environment.
You do not even necessarily need to meet with a tutor on all subjects–you can simply pick and choose the subjects you are having trouble with. This will help hone in on your weaknesses and maximize your chance of passing the bar exam the first time.
2. If you want feedback on the MEE and MPT.
The UBE consists of a multiple-choice portion (the MBE) and a written portion (the MEE and MPT). Each portion is worth 50% of your total score. This means that half of your UBE score is based on your writing skills.
If writing is not your strong suit, or if you simply want a little extra guidance and feedback on the MEE and MPT, then a tutor can really help you. A UBE tutor can help you break down your writing, improve upon any weaknesses, and be as prepared as possible for any questions you might face on the MEE and MPT. It is best to address any organizational issues or other issues before you take the bar exam, rather than realizing that there is a problem later.
3. If you struggle with multiple choice questions.
The MBE consists of 200 multiple-choice questions and, like the written portion, is worth half of your total UBE score. If you find yourself struggling as you work through practice MBE questions, you should really consider a UBE tutor. A tutor can help you identify your weaknesses, help you figure out how to fix them, and offer helpful tips and strategies that will help you do better on the MBE.
The MBE is a challenging area of the Uniform Bar Exam. However, having some good strategies and a plan of attack can make it so much more bearable.
4. If you want better study materials.
A UBE tutor can also provide you with extremely helpful bar prep materials. We offer a wide variety of outlines and materials for the MBE, MEE and MPT. They’re streamlined, well organized, and a great resource for visual learners. Many of our students pay for tutoring primarily so they have access to our easy-to-learn yet extremely comprehensive outlines.
5. If you want individualized feedback.
Another great reason to hire a tutor is to get detailed, individualized feedback. You can discuss your strengths and weaknesses and learn tips for test strategy, memorization and time management. A tutor can also make sure you stay on track with your studying.
But, more importantly, your tutor can also tailor everything to your specific learning style to be as effective as possible. This personalized attention and feedback you receive from a UBE tutor is invaluable.
6. If you want someone to keep you accountable.
When you’re studying for the UBE, there’s nobody to make sure you stay on track. Other than yourself, no one will know if you’re keeping up with the lectures, doing practice exams, or on track to receive a passing score. In other words, it’s really easy to fall behind. If end up falling behind, it’s extremely hard to make up the time you’ve lost. Therefore, if self-motivation isn’t your strong suit, you’ll really benefit from working with a bar exam tutor.
We specialize in tutoring for the Uniform Bar Exam! If you’re interested in learning more about our private UBE tutoring services, you can read more about it on our UBE private tutoringwebpage here.
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- 🌟Bar Exam Free Resource Center: Access our most popular free guides, webinars, and resources to set you on the path to success.
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- 🏆One-Sheets: Our most popular product! Master the Bar Exam with these five-star rated essentials.
- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
- Exclusive Mastery Classes: Dive deep into highly tested areas of the MBE, MEE, MPT, and CA bar exams in these live, one-time events.
- Specialized Private Tutoring: With years of experience under our belt, our experts provide personalized guidance to ensure you excel.
- Bar Exam Courses: On Demand and Premium options tailored to your needs.
- Bar Exam Crash Course + Mini Outlines: A great review of the topics you need to know!
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