Top Five MPT Bar Exam Tips From A 99th Percentile Scorer
Top Five MPT Bar Exam Tips — By Someone Who Scored In The 99th Percentile On The Written Portion Of The Washington Bar Exam
The MPT portion of the bar exam, if taken seriously and actually prepared for, can make or break your bar exam score. Unfortunately though, for whatever reason, many examinees avoid the MPT until the last minute of bar prep. However, if you avoid this error and take the MPT portion seriously, you are ensuring that you do not miss out on valuable points. After all, the MPT is worth the same as 70 multiple-choice questions!
Keep reading if you want to see my top five MPT bar exam tips that helped me score within the 99th percentile on the written portion of the Washington bar exam.
Top Five MPT Bar Exam Tips — By Someone Who Scored In The 99th Percentile On The Written Portion Of The Washington Bar Exam
1. Start practicing MPTs early.
This tip is my absolute number one out of all of my MPT bar exam tips. We find that if students start practicing MPTs early, they have much more success overall. This is likely because many people struggle with timing issues (see tip #4). By starting their practice early, they have a better chance of conquering the timing beast. However, there are other benefits as well! Starting your MPT practice early also allows you to practice not only the highly tested MPT tasks, but also the “wildcard” or odd tasks. If you wait until the last minute to look at MPTs, you will be forced to cut corners in your practice, leading to less task exposure. Less exposure means you are less prepared for exam day.
So, the number one tip out of our MPT bar exam tips is to be sure you start implementing MPT practice into your bar prep schedule early on! Don’t wait until the last few weeks of bar prep. If you are interested in seeing an MPT prep schedule check out this post.
2. Learn how to format the different tasks.
We find that a lot of students prepping for the MPT really struggle with the basic formatting of the MPT tasks. Knowing how to format the different tasks that could be asked of you on exam day is a great way to ensure that you get those necessary points. The most common MPT tasks are the objective memo and persuasive brief. If you are interested in seeing a frequency chart of MPT tasks tested, click here. You should definitely start with those tasks and then move into practicing letters and “wildcard” or odd tasks.
You should memorize the basic structure of each task. This also means that you aren’t ignoring any type of MPT. As stated above with tip #1, the key to starting practice early is so that you can practice all types of MPT tasks. If you are interested in learning how to format an objective memo MPT check out our post here. To see our post on how to format a persuasive brief MPT click here.
The take-a-way from our tip #2 of our MPT bar exam tips, is to be sure that you know how to format the different MPTs. If you want an excellent MPT attack outline for the different tasks, click here.
3. Use your time wisely by working and reading at the same time.
The most common issue we see with the MPT is that people run out of time. To avoid this error, you have to have a good approach. We highly recommend that you use half of your time, so 45 minutes, to read and create your outline. In other words, you should avoid spending a large chunk of time passively reading the library and file. Instead, you want to get in the habit of reading and working at the same time. Once you are through the task memo, library and file, you have a working outline and 45 minutes to finish writing. Click here for more tips on how to save time on the MPT.
4. Time your MPT practice.
Some of you reading this post may think that this tip goes without mention. However, you would be surprised at how many people we encounter who do not practice MPTs timed, or those who do not know how to overcome a timing issue with MPTs. Thus, practicing MPTs timed has landed on the list of our MPT bar exam tips.
It is incredibly important to practice MPTs timed because that will reveal whether or not you struggle with getting the task done within the allotted time. Also, we believe that most people who graduated from law school can finish an MPT task (and probably quite well) if they were able to take their sweet time. But, the purpose of the MPT is not only to test if you can analyze the law and facts to answer the task posed, but if you can do it in the 90 minutes provided. So, practicing MPTs timed will help gauge if you can complete the task, in the allowed time, in a way that yields a passing score.
If you find that you struggle with timing issues, check out our post on how to improve!
5. Get feedback!
The last of our MPT bar exam tips is to get feedback on your practice. We think that one of the fastest ways to improve on the MPT, is to get feedback on your work. You may find that getting just a little feedback will help boost your score tremendously. It is hard to be objective about your own writing. Quality feedback from someone else can really help you narrow in on what you are doing well. It also points out those things that you need to improve on. So, for our final tip of our MPT bar exam tips, it is to get feedback from a third party! If you are looking for highly quality feedback and/or the opportunity to chat with someone about your MPT check out our services. Your MPT score will thank you!
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