MBE Topic Frequency Chart
MBE Topic Frequency Chart
In this post, we have an MBE topic frequency chart which shows the highly tested topics within each subject. We have listed the MBE subjects in alphabetical order and ranked the topics from most-to-least tested within each subject. If you are looking for an even more detailed breakdown of which exact subtopics fall within each topic, please download a PDF of the most recent National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) subject matter outline here. (The outline was written by the NCBE, the organization that writes the bar exam, and restyled by us.)
An Overview of the MBE Subjects Tested
On the MBE, you will have 25 scored MBE questions on each of the seven MBE subjects. The seven MBE subjects are tested equally.
So, you will have 25 scored MBE questions on:
- Civil Procedure
- Constitutional Law
- Contracts
- Criminal Law and Procedure
- Evidence
- Real Property
- Torts
There are 175 scored questions. There are an additional 25 questions that are unscored test questions. These questions can come from any subject and any topic. How you answer these unscored “test” questions will not affect your MBE. The NCBE is merely seeing if these are fair questions to include on future administrations of the exam.
An Overview of the MBE Topics Tested
While the MBE subjects are tested evenly at 25 questions per subject, the MBE topics that are tested within each subject are not tested evenly. In fact, some topics are weighted much more heavily than others.
The most tested topics on the MBE include:
- Negligence (12-13 questions)
- Constitutional Protections of Accused Persons (12-13 questions)
- Individual rights (12-13 questions)
- Relevancy and reasons for excluding relevant evidence (8-9 questions)
- Hearsay and circumstances of its admissibility (6-7 questions)
- Presentation of evidence (6-7 questions)
You can see other topics that are highly tested above.
The best way to study efficiently for the MBE is to focus on the highly tested topics within each subject. You should focus on memorizing these topics first and foremost. (As a side note: many of the highly tested topics are also highly tested on state essay exams and the multistate essay exam. So learning the highly tested MBE topics may help you doubly on the MBE and essay portion!)
Questions about MBE topic frequency? Feel free to contact us or post your question below.
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- MBE One-Sheets: One of our most highly acclaimed bar exam supplements!
- Bar Exam Outlines: Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
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- On Demand Bar Exam Course: Comprehensive bar exam preparation.
- Bar Exam Crash Course and Mini Outlines: Acclaimed and effective for a quick refresher.
- MBE Mastery Class, Real MBE Questions, and MBE Guide: Elevate your MBE preparation with these high-quality MBE supplements!
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