JD Advising is a Sponsor at an Anti-Human Trafficking Event!
JD Advising Helps Sponsor Anti-Human Trafficking Fundraiser
JD Advising was a sponsor of the 4Freedom Annual Fundraiser of the Michigan Abolitionist Project (MAP) on November 12, 2017. MAP is a Detroit-based community organization focused on eradicating human trafficking.
JD Advising Helps Sponsor Anti-Human Trafficking Fundraiser
The goal of MAP’s fundraising event was to raise money to fund their efforts to stop human trafficking in Michigan. To quote their mission statement, MAP focuses on ending human trafficking, a form of modern day slavery:
“The problem of human trafficking is massive. Over 20 million people are trapped in various forms of slavery throughout the world today, including our country and right here in local Michigan communities. Since MAP’s inception in 2012, our prevention and education efforts have reverberated across Michigan in more ways than we could possibly imagine. We have seen significant results when people use what they have, their resources and talents, and unite with others to make an impact. Businesses, agencies, organizations, and also individuals across Michigan are working together with MAP to educate, connect, inspire, and activate communities. When you support our efforts – you are helping MAP make a greater impact to prevent and end modern-day slavery.”
JD Advising was one of the sponsors of MAP’s fundraising event on November 12. We were happy to assisted MAP with funding an event that looks to raise $60,000 annually. This money directly funds MAP’s local events. These include awareness campaigns, training, and also workshops to community groups, businesses, and other organizations in the metro Detroit area.
If you are interested in becoming involved with MAP, please visit their website for more on their great work!