Is the MBE offered electronically?
Is the MBE offered electronically?
Some students wonder if the MBE is offered electronically. What happens on test day? Do you sit down with a laptop or a paper and pencil? It can make a big difference in how you study and how you approach the exam.
Currently, the MBE is not offered electronically. Instead, you will get a booklet and a scantron. You have to mark your answers in the scantron. The National Conference of Bar Examiners clearly states:
Examinees have three hours in each session to answer all questions. All answers must be marked on the answer sheet within the three-hour time limit. Once time is called, examinees must put down their pencils; no more marks or erasures are allowed. Examinees will receive credit only for those answers marked on the answer sheet. No additional time will be allowed to transfer answers from a test booklet to an answer sheet, and only answer sheets will be scored.
Thus, as of now, the MBE is not offered electronically in any jurisdiction that we know of.
However, we suspect that may change soon. The MPRE, which is also an exam administered by the National Conference of Bar Examiners, is offered electronically. Beginning in 2020, all MPRE exams will be administered electronically.
Does this mean that the MBE will be offered electronically soon too?
Surprisingly, the answer is no. The NCBE includes this exact FAQ on their website and states:
In other words, the switch to an electronic MPRE does not mean that the NCBE makes plans to switch the MBE into an electronic format given that the MBE is administered by the states. It looks like there are no plans to currently offer it as an electronic exam.
Nonetheless, we suspect that with most standardized tests being offered electronically (including the LSAT), that the MBE will soon follow suit even if there are no current plans to convert the MBE into an electronic exam.
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