Four Thoughts On Handling Competition In Law School
Four Important Thoughts on Handling Competition in Law School
You might have heard a lot of rumors of what competition in law school is like. Some say it is “cut-throat,” or even “hard-core.” Maybe you’re expecting to hear that dreaded phrase on orientation day: “Turn to your left. Now turn to your right. At least one of those people won’t make it to graduation.” The reality of law school, at least in most places, is much different. There really is no reason to get intimidated or fear your fellow classmates. And orientation? Nary a peep of that kind of talk (at least in my personal experience). There’s not a lot of purposeful sabotage, intentional giving of wrong information, or enjoyment when others make mistakes. In my experience, the atmosphere of law school is very supportive, as you really need each other to survive. Of course, some law schools are more competitive than others; however, on the whole, the reputation can make it sound worse than it is.
Four Important Thoughts on Handling Competition in Law School
If you’re still worried about handling competition in law school, here are some thoughts to get you through!
1. Don’t be afraid to socialize.
The level of competition in law school isn’t such that everyone becomes your enemy. You’ll still need friends to get through this experience! Accordingly, who better to befriend than the ones who are experiencing all of these pressures along with you! Law school brings together adults from all stages of life. This is a great opportunity for you to get to know others that have had vastly different experiences than yourself. The good that can come from the life lessons that you’ll learn far outweighs the threat of competition in law school. The friends you make during these three years can last forever – you don’t want to miss out on getting to know some amazing people!
2. Form a study group.
Study groups are helpful to some students (but we recognize they are not for everyone).
Since the success of others can affect your own through the curve, it is helpful to know what everyone else knows. Further, someone else can help you understand a topic that you are struggling with. Sometimes it just takes another approach or method of explanation for something to click. This can help you in your quest to master the material! Don’t let the intimidation of competition in law school prevent you from forming academic connections as well as social ones. Everyone can help each other in some way – take advantage of it!
3. Don’t get discouraged by your raw scores.
If you happen to get a poor raw score on an assignment or an exam, it can be all too easy to panic. Some students might let the competition in law school overwhelm them and feel like a poor score will doom them. However, remember that the curve can work in your favor! Your raw scores don’t make your final grade. It is more important that you do well in comparison to a majority of your classmates. And exams in law school are hard! If you found something difficult, chances are most others did too. You can bet that you weren’t the only one who did poorly. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the numbers or feel the pressure. Just work on doing the best that you can. The law school curve isn’t really a curse. It can be a blessing too!
4. Focus on yourself, not the competition.
One of the most important keys to success in law school is to focus on the things that you can control. Try not to get too worked up over how well your friends and classmates are performing. You can’t do anything about that. If you’re constantly thinking about everyone else, you run the risk of damaging your own chances. Yes it’s true that your grade will in part depend on how well others score. But you still have to do your part by performing to the best of your abilities. Thus, in order to conquer the competition in law school, it is critical that you concentrate primarily on your own studies. Working yourself into a panic because others are succeeding will only bring down your own scores. All you can do is try your best; the rest is out of your hands!
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