Five Secrets To Getting A High MPT Score
Five Secrets To Getting A High MPT Score
The MPT is a vital part of any Uniform Bar Exam score. In this post, we give you secrets and tips on getting a high MPT score. Read further to see what we suggest!
Five Secrets To Getting A High MPT Score
1. Pay very close attention to the task memo!
A very important part of the MPT is to follow directions. For this reason, it is crucial that you understand all of the directions provided in the task memo. For instance, the task memo may provide helpful information about the type of task you are to complete, how to format that task, the issues to address, and any arguments that you need to make. The task memo also often indicates whether or not to include a statement of facts, and may also note any particular issues that you do NOT have to address.
As you are beginning to write your response to the MPT, go back to the task memo and review it again for any pertinent instructions. Make sure that you are covering all of the issues and arguments that you were instructed to cover and that you are NOT covering any issues or arguments that you were specifically instructed NOT to cover. Also, be sure to review any other detailed instructions in the task memo, such as who to address the assignment to and any key facts or dates that need to be included or addressed in your response.
2. Have a plan for how you will divide your time.
Initially, you should always start by spending a few minutes reading the task memo. After you have finished carefully reviewing the task memo, we recommend that you read the Library next. Reading the library will help you see the applicable rules which, in turn, will make it easier to spot the relevant facts when you turn to the File.
If you are simply reading the Library and File and then starting to write after you have completely finished reading both (rather than reading and writing at the same time), we recommend that you spend about half of your time reading and half of your time writing. You should, at a minimum, be jotting down notes as you are reviewing the library and file so that you don’t have to re-read the entire thing multiple times.
If, on the other hand, you like to start writing as you are reviewing the Library and File, you can spend a little more time reviewing each. We recommend spending about an hour reading and starting to craft your response and then the remaining half-hour simply writing.
If you struggle with time management, here are six tips to improve your timing on the MPT.
3. Look carefully for the applicable rule statements in the Library.
When you start reading the Library, start by reading the statutes if there are any. Read the statute(s) very carefully and try to understand the structure of the statute(s). Break it down into the various elements and analyze which of the elements you may need to discuss. This will often help you set up the various sections or arguments within the discussion portion of your task.
If you don’t have a statute in your Library, turn to the cases. The cases will likely provide the rule statements that will form the basis of your arguments. Be sure to carefully note the years of the cases and read them in chronological order. Additionally, note whether the cases are binding or merely persuasive (if they are from some other jurisdiction). If you have persuasive authority, be sure to address why it should be followed in your response!
4. Save time to proofread!
Try to save five minutes to quickly proofread your response after you are finished writing. The goal of the MPT is to test your “lawyerly skills” such as your writing ability. Saving a few minutes to proofread at the end can really polish your response and make it look more professional and lawyerly!
5. Practice!
Many students mistakenly overlook the MPT, thinking that it is not something they have to practice. While it might be true that you have written a persuasive brief or an objective memo before, it is unlikely that you have had to complete the entire assignment, including reading all of the applicable authority, in a 90-minute time period. It is essential that you complete practice MPTs as you are studying for the bar exam so that you can comfortably complete the task under test-like conditions.
Learn how to self-grade your practice MPTs to ensure you are improving!
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