Did you fail the bar exam? We have lots of free resources to help you regroup for your next attempt! Check out our guide on , as well as our guide on ! And be sure to register for our !

Taking the MPRE in November? Enroll in our to access our outline, one-sheet, lecture videos, 300+ practice questions, and more! If you’re looking for more help, consider purchasing or !

Ensure you pass the bar exam on your next attempt with our or our exclusive (pass the bar or your money back!).

New York Bar Exam Services

High-quality services, top-rated products, and world-class instruction by bar exam experts

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Our highly-regarded Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) course comes with fantastic, comprehensive outlines for every subject, released MBE, MPT, and MEE questions, and expert instruction. We also have live and on-demand options.


We offer in-depth private tutoring for the New York Bar Exam from expert bar exam tutors. We provide fantastic materials and outlines tailored to all portions of the New York Bar Exam and we provide essay feedback for each student.


We offer a course specifically tailored to the MBE. This course is geared toward repeat takers who are looking to significantly boost their score by using a totally new approach–including new outlines, new techniques, real MBE questions.


Our MEE course focuses on the essay portion of the New York Bar Exam. We give you excellent MEE outlines, have a star MEE course instructor cover them with you, and offer essay grading. Students credit this course for passing the MEE.

Looking for something else?

We have a variety of MBE and MEE products and services. You can read more about our MBE products and services here, our MEE products and services here, and our MPT products and services here!