Bar Exam Quiz #2 is available!
Ready for the bar exam? We have two bar exam quizzes that test whether your memorization is up to par! The first bar exam quiz can be found here. The second one is found below.
Our bar exam quiz is short — only 7 questions. But it tests whether or not you are ready for the bar exam — at least the memorization aspect of it. If you struggle with memorization, then you will also struggle with application (because you won’t have enough law to apply!). So this quiz tells you whether you need to work on memorization this last week before the bar exam.
Note: We have purposely chosen questions that are highly-tested on many state bar exams, including the multistate essay exam (and Uniform Bar Exam).
Ready for the bar exam quiz?
You can download a word document of the Bar Exam Quiz 2 here (and print it and write it out, which we recommend!) or you can jot down the answers on a piece of scrap paper. You can see the bar exam quiz questions below.
We recommend you actually write out your answers (rather than simply “thinking” about them) or you will not really be testing whether you are able to articulate the highly-tested areas of law! A lot of what the bar exam tests is whether you sound like a lawyer — that is, whether you can use legal terminology and whether you can articulate what you know! This is the best way to gauge if you are ready for the bar exam.
You can also see a copy of the bar exam quiz below!
Show the Bar Exam Quiz... 1. Civil Procedure (also Equity): What are the factors for a preliminary injunction? 2. Constitutional Law: Do students have free speech rights? If so, what level of scrutiny does a free speech classification undergo? 3. Criminal Procedure: When will the taking of a confession by police officers or detectives violate the 14th Amendment due process clause? What is the effect of this? 4. Evidence: When can character evidence be used in a civil case? 5. Real Property: What is race notice act? 6. Torts: What duty of care is owed to an invitee? 7. Trusts: What is the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA)?Bar Exam Quiz 2:
What do the bar exam quiz results mean?
- 6+: If you get 6 or 7 out of 7 questions right, you are doing great! You are on track to pass. These last couple weeks, you should review, but focus on application rather than just memorization!
- 5: If you get 5 out of 7 questions right, you doing well!
- 4: If you get 4 out of 7 questions right, you are average.
- 3 or less: If you get 3 or less questions right, we recommend you work on memorization! (And if you are in a uniform bar exam state or any state that administers the multistate essay exam, we recommend you consider purchasing our MEE one-sheets here as you will be memorizing the most highly-tested areas of law! If you don’t have any more money to spend on the bar exam, then make it a habit to bullet point several past MEE questions so that you are exposed to the highly-tested issues!)
Remember, this is only a seven-question quiz, so you may have just had bad luck if you didn’t do as well as you thought. It doesn’t mean everything! But it does mean something.
Send me the answers!
To read the answers to the bar exam quiz, you can use your outlines (or MEE one-sheets if you already have them) as a very active way of reviewing them. Or you can enter your name and email here. Note: We will subscribe you to our once-a-month newsletter where we send bonus bar exam tips, tricks, updates on bar exam results, etc. (You can unsubscribe at any time and we do not share your name or email with anyone!)
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