35 MPRE Tips by a Top MPRE Lecturer
35 MPRE Tips by a Top MPRE Lecturer
Here are 35 quick MPRE tips by a top MPRE lecturer! Review these MPRE tips before you start studying for the MPRE and you will study in a more effective and efficient manner!
35 MPRE Tips by a Top MPRE Lecturer
Tip #1: Take Professional Responsibility in law school.
You will save time and study more effectively if you complete Professional Responsibility (or the equivalent ethics course) in law school.
Tip #2: Set aside a month to study.
The MPRE has a reputation for being easy but about one in four test-takers fail. Study for the appropriate time! You can pass if you study in less than a month. We find most takers study for two weeks or less. But you will be at an advantage if you set aside the appropriate amount of time!
Tip #3: Take an MPRE course.
Many companies offer MPRE courses for free! You can try out our free MPRE course here! It is rated five stars and trusted by thousands of test-takers!
Tip #4: Study at your best time of day.
If you are a morning person, study for the test in the morning. If you work best at night, study at night. This will maximize your chances of passing.
Tip #5: Learn the law first.
Don’t just dive into practice questions. Instead, take time to learn the law first. This will save you time and frustration. This is one of our overlooked – but important – MPRE tips!
Tip #6: Use techniques to actively review.
Don’t just passively read an outline. Actively review it and quiz yourself! For example, students find flashcards helpful. (We have hundreds in our MPRE course).
Tip #7: Figure out your learning style.
If you are a visual learner, use visual techniques and get an aesthetically pleasing outline. (We have a nice colorful outline with charts and diagrams in our MPRE course!)
If you are auditory learner, consider repeating the law out loud to memorize it or using rhymes, mnemonics, or other helpful techniques.
Tip #8: Focus on the highly tested areas of law.
Our MPRE cheat sheet provides a comprehensive overview of what is tested – and what isn’t! For example, you can see that judicial conduct is only 2-8% of the MPRE. Conflicts, on the other hand, are 12-18%. So if you want to spend your study time as efficiently as possible, focus on conflicts rather than judicial conduct!
Tip #9: Focus on areas of law you struggle with.
For example, if you really struggle with attorney advertising rules, focus on that (in addition to the highly tested areas of law). You know yourself and what you need to review!
Tip #10: Make sure you are using updated materials!
The law has changed recently (just slightly!). However, you want to make sure you are using updated materials. If you are using an outline that is five years old, you may be learning incorrect law.
Tip #11: Learn how questions are asked.
Certain key words and phrases are used on the MPRE. Become familiar with them ahead of time. It can make the difference between getting a question right or wrong. Check out the key words and phrases on the MPRE here.
Tip #12: Be aware of negligence questions.
Some MPRE questions are not focused on discipline; rather, they are focused on whether a lawyer could be successfully sued under a theory of negligence. For negligence, you need to show duty, breach, cause, and harm. (It is very possible that a lawyer could be disciplined without being found negligent. For example, maybe a lawyer did not properly file a case on time but the client would have lost the case anyway. The lawyer would be disciplined, but not found negligent because the “harm” element is missing.)
Tip #13: Read the facts closely.
Especially if you are in between two answer choices! This can help eliminate one of them.
Tip #14: Eliminate incorrect answer choices.
For example, if an answer choice contradicts the facts, does not directly respond to the call of the question, or goes against your common sense, then eliminate it!
Tip #15: Divide time into thirty-minute increments
You have two hours to answer sixty questions. So after thirty minutes, you should be done with fifteen questions. Make sure you are not completing the exam too slowly or rushing through it!
Tip #16: Look for patterns on your scantron.
If you get more questions incorrect in the beginning, it may be due to anxiety. If you get more questions incorrect toward the middle or end of the exam, it may be due to fatigue. Recognizing these patterns can help you combat anxiety or fatigue. And, therefore hel you improve your score.
Tip #17: Combat MPRE fatigue.
Get used to sitting down for two hours at a time and answering questions. Get used to studying during the time that you will take the exam.
Tip #18: Take it seriously!
Don’t fall prey to thinking the MPRE is easy. Many of the people who talk about how easy it is will fail! So take it seriously from the beginning.
Tip #19: Look at passing the MPRE as a confidence booster for passing the bar exam!
If you pass the MPRE, you will likely feel a little more confident walking into bar prep! So make it your goal to study right so you boost your confidence pre-bar exam!
Tip #20: Complete at least 200 practice questions ahead of time.
A great way to test your knowledge is to complete practice questions.
Tip #21: Use questions from the source.
We recommend you use actual official NCBE-released questions. (You can purchase these in addition to enrolling in our free MPRE course here.)
Tip #22: Remember to learn the law prior to completing questions!
You will stress yourself out (and probably score low) if you don’t learn the law first!
Tip #23: Complete questions in a timed setting.
You will have approximately two minutes per question on the actual MPRE.
Tip #24: Try a full-length practice exam or two prior to taking the MPRE.
This will boost your confidence and help ensure you can complete the MPRE on time!
Tip #25: Try answering questions online.
The MPRE is now online so get used to the format and answer questions online when you practice!
Tip #26: Check out the Pearson VUE testing format.
Pearson VUE allows you to practice an exam ahead of time so you can see what it is like.
Tip #27: Carefully follow instructions
For example, review what you must and must not bring into the exam here.
Tip #28: Make sure you have a primary and secondary form of ID.
Common forms of primary ID include:
- International travel passport
- U.S. driver’s license
- U.S. military ID
- U.S. alien registration card (permanent resident or green card, visa)
Common forms of secondary ID include:
- School/university/college ID
- Credit card
- Library card
Tip #29: Study ahead of time.
Studying is NOT allowed in the Pearson VUE testing center.
Tip #30: Line up childcare if needed — and remember, no visitors are allowed in the testing center!
Visitors, spouses, family, or friends are not permitted in the testing center.
Tip #31: Eat breakfast and get a good night’s sleep prior to the exam.
Even though the exam is only two hours, you will need all the energy and brainpower you can get! It is still a tiring exam!
Tip #32: Consider outside help if needed.
If you are really struggling, consider a private tutor, a study group, or a different MPRE course!
Tip #33: Be aware that there are ten test questions.
You will have 60 questions on the MPRE. But only 50 are scored. Don’t be discouraged if you come across a really strange question – it could be a test question!
Tip #34: Fill in all the bubbles.
Don’t skip any questions! Points are not subtracted for incorrect answers.
Tip #35: Remember you don’t need 100%
You only need about 64% to pass the MPRE. You want to take it seriously but don’t be too anxious if you don’t know everything!
Looking for more MPRE tips and guidance? Enroll in our free MPRE course here. It is rated five stars and trusted by thousands of students!
Looking to Ace the MPRE?
- Enroll in our 5-star rated free MPRE Course, complete with expert guidance, an exclusive outline, practice questions, and a one-sheet.
- Tackle the Real MPRE questions — the gold standard for test preparation.
- Elevate your preparation with personalized MPRE private tutoring, featuring a tailored study plan and dedicated MPRE outline.
- Dive into our assortment of complimentary top-notch MPRE resources for your success.
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